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Kamis, 02 September 2010

dong yi ep 48 menit and priview 49

Beberapa menit terakhir dari Dong Yi Episode 48 & Pratinjau Episode 49
Cha Cheon Soo bertemu dengan Sukjong. Choi Dong Yi pergi ke Daejeon
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama! Apakah Anda sudah baik?
Choi Dong Yi memegang tangan Cha Cheon Soo hangat
Choi Dong Yi: Bagaimana mungkin ini ... Bagaimana kamu bisa kembali ke sini?
Cha Cheon Soo: Cheon Na telah memanggilku kembali untuk datang & melindungi Anda Suk Ui Mama & Pangeran Yeoning ... .. untuk saya berada di sisi Anda untuk melindungi Anda
Choi Dong Yi is so overjoyed to see Cha Cheon Soo
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!
Ae Jung chasing Prince Yeoning as he run back to Bo Gyeong Dang to meet Cha Cheon Soo as Ae Jung calls out to Prince Yeoning not to run so fast or he might slip & fall
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Ae Jung : Mama?
Choi Dong Yi acknowledge her son
Choi Dong Yi Geum…Ah?
Prince Yeoning looks up to Cha Cheon Soo who is surprise to see Prince Yeoning
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama…who might this child be…
Choi Dong Yi confirms her son to Cha Cheon Soo
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes..this child is indeed Prince Yeoning
Cha Cheon Soo kneels before Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah! Send greetings…this person is…
Prince Yeoning: I know…who he is Eomeoni…are you Uncle (Wei Su Bu)
Cha Cheon Soo is so moved by Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning: Uncle!
Prince Yeoning hug Cha Cheon Soo which caught him surprise
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Prince Yeoning: I am Prince Yeoning… you recognise me?….
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes, Mama….of course indeed
Cha Cheon Soo takes out letters
Cha Cheon Soo: Here are all the letters that you have written & send to me
Prince Yeoning: Uncle!
Cha Cheon Soo: Look how well you have grown! How well you have grown?
Cha Cheon Soo laughs & happy to see Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi with Cha Cheon Soo in Bo Gyeong Dang
Cha Cheon Soo: You were sent to exile so far in such a remote distance place that you must have suffer harshly in your banishment, Orrabuni
Cha Cheon Soo: No I didn’t….it is not to say I was alone, Mama….able to read Mama & Prince Yeoning’s letters that you have send to me, that every day that I long to return to your side. It is because there is a glimmer of hope that one day I will return to Mama’s side, it has given strength for me to endure for such a long time. Here after I will not allow both of you to go through the same traumatic experiences again
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni?
Cha Cheon Soo: Therefore have trust in me…just wait a while, it will not take long…I will definitely will not allow to have them to exist to living in the same air space as you & Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi nods
Crown Prince Yun is taking his medication, as he finished drinking, Court Physician Nam tells he will come again with another dosage of medication tonic in 3 hours later. Crown Prince Yun then asked what medication tonic is he frisking. Court Physician Nam surprise at the question as Crown Prince Yun know that it is not the same medication prescribe by the Royal Physician in Naeuiwon. Court Physician fumbles to answer. Crown Prince Yin then insist that Court Physician Nam to divulge to him what ailment s he suffering. Crown Prince Yun asked what illness is he suffering that require to have prescription done privately under such a shroud of secrecy
Crown Prince Yun downcast & contemplates what his aliment does he has that it is require to be done in such cloak & dagger. Then Crown Prince Yun finds Prince Yeoning up in the tree as Prince Yeoning acknowledge Crown Prince Yun then jumps down from the tree to send greetings. Crown Prince Yun surprise that Prince Yeoning can jump down so high from the tree. Yi Geum is really naughty climbing trees. Choi Dong Yi scale palace walls & her son climbs tree, they are really a pair. Crown Prince Yun shocked that Prince Yeoning has climb from there. Prince Yeoning asked about that tree then he actually was…when calls from Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal looking for Prince Yeoning. Hwang Joo Shik tells that it is not enough that the play hide & seek with Prince Yeoning at the private abode & they have to being back the game to the palace to play. Yeong Dal tells that the palace premises is slight confine that Prince Yeoning will not go too far to hide then Yeong Dal mentioned that Hwang Joo Shik wasn’t bother when it was suggested.
Crown Prince Yun learns that Prince Yeoning is playing hide & seek with Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik. Prince Yeoning affirms that this is why he was hiding on top of the tree, this way, it will be hard for them to find him. Crown Prince Yun tells even if he wishes to hide, Prince Yeoning shouldn’t climb tree as it is dangerous. Prince Yeoning tells Crown Prince Yun that it is not dangerous, he is an expert in climbing trees. Then the calls of Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik gets nearer then Prince Yeoning asked Crown Prince to provide the cover for him to hide, as prince Yeoning hides behind Crown Prince Yun’s back. Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal finds Crown Prince Yun as they greets him then as Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal trying to take peek behind Crown Prince Yun, he turns to follow their direction providing Prince Yeoning cover then Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal went off. Crown Prince tells Yi Geum that the coast is clear. Yi Geum thanked his brother that it is because of him that he can carry on hiding. Crown Prince Yun tells that he is that happy. Prince Yeoning tells that even Crown Prince Yun also will not wish to be found out. Crown Prince Yun concurs with Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning tells because Crown Prince Yun has render help, he give Crown Prince some fresh jujubes that he pluck from the tree. Crown Prince Yun asked whether Prince Yeoning wants him to eat them. Prince Yeoning tells to have some, they are really sweet. Crown Prince Yun hesitates as Prince Yeoning sense that Crown Prince Yun doesn’t want them then Prince Yeoning excuse himself to take his leave. Crown Prince Yun brushes that he is not & tell he will accept them then takes the jujubes off Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning run off as Crown Prince Yun looks on & bring up a smile from his down cast look
In Korea, jujubes or Chinese red dates (Ziziphus zizyphus) are called Daechu (대추) and are used in teas and samgyetang. It is said to be helpful in aiding the common cold.
Jang Hee Jae is shocked that what his mother is saying as Mdm Yoon admits to Jang Hee Jae that she sent the arsonist to set Choi Dong Yi’s private abode ablaze & the fire is all this doing, as Jang Hee Jae express appalled for his mother’s blunder. Mdm Yoon tell that she did this for the sake of Jang Hee Bin, she wanted to get rid of Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning before they have a chance to return to the palace. Jang Hee Jae asked what is his mother saying there that his mother never seek prior consultation with him & went to do matter in her own accord. Mdm Yoon tells that never would she has imagine that it will end up in this results, that the fire will have benefit Choi Dong Yi & her son their rightful rights to return to the palace, this she never has dreamt that it will come to this end
Jang Hee Jae tells that Jang Hee Bin is already stress with anxiety over the Crown Prince Yun’s ailment, in addition that she were to learn that Mdm Yoon’s blunder, it will spell disaster for Jang Hee Bin. Mdm Yoon tells that compare to that, there is more serious implications to be reckon. Jang Hee Jae asked what is the serious implication. Mdm Yoon tells that the Mudang has mentioned calamity will besiege them. Mdm Yoon tells that the Mudang has foresee that there will bloodshed in the palace & the Mudang has indicated that the place of reckoning is Chwi Seon Dang. Jang Hee Jae is petrified at the remark.
Mudang is a person who practice Shamanistic practices
Jang Hee Jae goes to see the Mudang in arms then threaten to cut the Mudang tongue for saying such nonsense. Jang Hee Jae goes into the Mudang’s cottage & place his blade at the Mudang’s neck. The Mudang is not deter with Jang Hee Jae’s aggression. Jang Hee Jae accuse that how can the Mudang say such prattles
Mudang: Put away your sword, Yeong Gam, this is a sacred place
Jang Hee Jae: Shut your trap, I will make you pay with your life for your prattles
Mudang: Queen Inhyeon?….Is Queen Inhyeon above you all?
Jang Hee Jae: What?
Mudang: Isn’t it because of curiousity over this matter that what you are after….
Jang Hee Jae steps back
Jang Hee Jae: What are you implying by saying this?
Mudang: Tonight, it is better that you don’t take any action…you could have got better helping hands than what you have employed
Jang Hee Jae; What are you saying…didn’t you hear me what you are saying there!!! I am asking what do you mean by saying that…
Jung Geum is being followed by assailants sent by Jang Hee Jae then Jung Geum meet with another lady who is wearing a jangot then the assailant attacks the lady, as Jung Geum is caught by surprise. The lady in the jangot then turn out & find that it is a soldier in disguise & it is a set up ambush as soldiers surrounded the assailants
Jang Hee Bin learns from Jang Hee Jae that their assassination attempt on the missing female physician has been expose. Jang Hee Jae has nothing to say as Jang Hee Bin is shocked
Queen Inhyeon in Daejojeon holding her chest in her ill health. Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejojeon wants to seek audience with Queen Inhyeon
Choi Dong Yi: I have come to seek audience with Mama, please announce my presence
Meanwhile Jang Hee Bin find that it is Queen Inhyeon who use ploy of deceit to trap Jang Hee Jae’s assailant & therefore reveal their guilt. Jang Hee Bin knows that Queen Inhyeon has learn the truth from that attending female physician in regards to Crown Prince Yun’s ailment & Jang Hee Bin realise that Queen Inhyeon has learn the whole gospel truth & that she waited for a chance of a seize opportunity
Choi Dong Yi comes to Queen Inhyeon
Queen Inhyeon: Now, the time is right..Suk Ui…I will convey to you what I have learn & know
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: Before that….I wish to hear an answer from you, in regards to the question that I have asked you yesterday…. If perhaps…perhaps by chance no matter on what the reason are that the incumbent Crown Prince will not able to succeed the throne….
Choi Dong Yi is taken aback
Queen Inhyeon: Whether are you willing or not to support your son Prince Yeoning to the throne as the Sovereign of this nation…
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, how can you be saying this…this is….
The conversation feels like it is Queen Inhyeon last will & testimony,
Queen Inhyeon: This palace will be usurp by a brewing storm tells that there will a cause celebre that is about to ripple the palace that has never before happened, that is…in regards to the changing of the Prince Successor.
Choi Dong Yi is shocked, Queen Inhyeon looks determined in a frail health
Choi Dong Yi: Mama…what are you implying….the changing of the Prince Successor
Queen Inhyeon: Indeed…yes
Choi Dong Yi doesn’t know how to react to what Queen Inhyeon shell shock news
Queen Inhyeon: It is to say that if this is done, then Prince Yeoning will be the person to succeed the throne but then if Prince Yeoning fails by chance in the attempt not able to succeed as Prince Successor that it will mean that he will not able to sustain his life
Choi Dong Yi is horrified
Queen Inhyeon: This is politics….this is the intrigue of the palace…therefore I wish to hear Suk Ui’s answer before hand to have Prince Yeoning place at the centre of this intrigue, this is why I have summoned you here….Will you able to promise me that you will survive this ordeal at all cost….that at all means & consequences that Suk Ui & Prince Yeoning will survive in this palace then to make this child to become the King
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi looks shell shock leaving Daejojeon then she recalls Queen Inhyeon’s warning that this palace will be usurp by a brewing storm tells that there will a cause celebre that is about to ripple the palace that has never before happened, that is…in regards to the changing of the Prince Successor
Queen Inhyeon meditates then inform Ahn Sang Gung that she will leave to go to Chwi Seon Dang. Ahn Sang Gung acknowledged
Alas it is a pity to see Queen Inhyeon leave. Queen Inhyeon health is deteriorating rapidly for the worst, afraid she will not last much longer. It will be up to Choi Dong Yi to tied up loose ends
Jang Hee Bin comes out to greet Queen Inhyeon who has come to her residence
Queen Inhyeon: I sense a feeling that you wish to hear something from me, therefore I have come
Jang Hee Bin comes to see the Mudang in much pleading tone then asked the Mudang whether she has any alternative idea to overturn the matter since the Mudang has mentioned to Mdm Yoon that there is nothing that can be done in regards to the matter. Mudang tells Jang Hee Jae that it all depends on Queen Inhyeon, as she will be the person who can bring death to Jang Hee Jae & Jang Hee Bin but may also able to regain their survival, is none other than Queen Inhyeon. Jang Hee Jae asked the Mudang, what does that mean that their survival depend on Queen Inhyeon. Mudang is silence as Jang Hee jae demands
Queen Inhyeon confronts Jang Hee Bin on her playing turf. Queen Inhyeon lays her card with Jang Hee Bin as she brings out a identity badge & informs Jang Hee Bin that this is Jang Hee Jae’s subordinates that is currently under her custody.
Queen Inhyeon: Before that….I also know the reason why you are so desperately trying to capture that female physician & also the knowledge that I have come to know on what is the reason that you wasted no effort in trying to conceal.
Jang Hee Bin: Are you coming here to blackmail me with threats by telling me such nonsensical prattles?
Queen Inhyeon: How could I….I am not here to blackmail you, moreover I am rendering you a chance…therefore you need to personally go & divulge all truth to Cheon Na & accept whatever penalty rendered…also there is something that require me to do..not because of you but for Crown Prince Yun…if this matter was to become public knowledge, it will be said that Crown Prince Yun will received harm from this emotional blow. I will not wait…therefore
Jang Hee Bin: No, I will not do so…I definitely will not
Queen Inhyeon: Hee Bin!
Jang Hee Bin: You want me to divulge everything…what is there to confess?…it is just a mere female physician?….No…Mama, you have nothing substantial in proof to prove whatsoever
Queen Inhyeon: This is enough, Hee Bin! How many more crimes that she needs to committed before putting it to a halt…until when comes a time that you still continue to show your contempt to Cheon Na, how long will you persist to conceal this matter from Cheon Na
Jang Hee Bin shouts at Queen Inhyeon & screams that she now looks possessed like a mad woman.
Jang Hee Bin: Mama…the person who is at fault is not I moreover it is you instead, Mama…Waver Crown Prince Yun’s position will render major affect that may shake the foundation of this nation, this you should be most aware?
Queen Inhyeon: Hee Bin!
Jang Hee Bin: This nation Prince Successor…there only can be one person, the person who can succeed to be King of this country is the Prince Successor, & this fact can never be altered
Queen Inhyeon: No…yes it can…it will be altered!!!!
Queen Inhyeon reminds Jang Hee Bin historically that has been done as Jang Hee Bin is shocked
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying?
Queen Inhyeon; The truth that you have conceal in regards to Crown Prince Yun’s ailment, in the end it will render Cheon Na in great difficulties….
Jang Hee Bin screaming on top of her larynx
Jang Hee Bin: Enough…enough said!!!!!
Queen Inhyeon: As the mother of Crown Prince Yun, you also has falter against your son, don’t you know that although Crown Prince Yun is your son but he is also I the Queen Consort’s posterity therefore I will not allow the truth to this matter be concealed…to conceal this from Cheon Na…conceal this from Crown Prince Yun…conceal this from general populace…this is all in your actions
Crown Prince Yin is consider the son of Queen Inhyeon by default as Queen Inhyeon is the principal wife of Sukjong while Jang Hee Bin is just Consort
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore…bear this in mind to what I have said, I will not wait long
Jang Hee Bin is left gasping for air. Queen Inhyeon confrontation is indeed regal & with authority
Queen Inhyeon leaves after making her point known to Jang Hee Bin & suffer a bout of chest attacks. Ahn Sang Gung is concern as Queen Inhyeon asked her entourage to leave. Eun Geum then notice that isn’t that Queen Inhyeon, as Shi Bin concurs then Yoo Sang Gung see that Queen Inhyeon leaving Chwi Seon Dang the wonders what is the reason & purpose her visit in such a lateness of the night
Jang Hee Bin is hyperventilating as Jo Sang Gung is concern as she keep telling herself that she will not this pass with Queen Inhyeon & will not allow Queen Inhyeon to live. Jo Sang Gung is shocked
Jang Hee Jae learns from the Mudang that Queen Inhyeon needs to be eliminate for them to gain their survival & asked if this is true. The Mudang affirms this is indeed
Queen Inhyeon to her residence after her confrontation looking rather determined. Jang Hee Bin in the residence sitting in the dark
Choi Dong Yi anxiously pacing at the residence to wait for for Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo with Choi Dong Yi as Choi Dong Yi mentioned Queen Inhyeon intention to change the Crown Prince in favour of Yi Geum. Choi Dong Yi senses that there is something amiss about Crown Prince Yun then she also fear the worst that this will bring risk to Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi is determined to safeguard her son whatever it is & asked Cha Cheon Soo to investigate into the matter in regards to Queen Inhyeon’s confrontation with Chwi Seon Dang lately.
Choi Dong Yi asked Bong Sang Gung that she wishes to see Prince Yeoning & asked of his whereabouts. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im comes to see Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi surprise to learns that Queen Inhyeon paid a visit to Chwi Seon Dang yesterday. Jeong Sang Gung tells that Yoo Sang Gung ahs confirm the matter. Jung Im wonder that Queen Inhyeon coming out of Chwi Seon Dang in such lateness of the night then Queen Inhyeon’s colour is not well
It seems that this is going to be Queen Inhyeon last swan song.
Choi Dong Yi goes to Daejojeon as Ahn Sang Gung greets Choi Dong Yi
Ahn Sang Gung: Suk Ui Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard that Mama (Queen Inhyeon) pay a visit to Chwi Seon Dang last night, is this true?
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes, it is indeed, I just know that Queen Inhyeon wanted to have a discussion with Hee Bin Mama
Choi Dong Yi: Please announce my arrival to Jung Jong Mama
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes Mama…Jung Jong Mama…Suk Ui Mama is here to seek your presence
There is no answer
Ahn Sang Gung; Jung Jong Mama! Suk Ui Mama has arrived to the residence….Mama?
Choi Dong Yi comes to Queen Inhyeon’s residence
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, …I am Suk Ui….may I come in?…
Choi Dong Yi comes in to her shock in her findings
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!
Choi Dong Yi finds Queen Inhyeon slump lifeless
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?…Jung Jong Mama
Choi Dong Yi goes to pick up the unconscious Queen Inhyeon. Ahn Sang Gung comes in
Ahn Sang Gung: Jung Jong Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: She has lost conscious & that she is not breathing
Ahn Sang Gung scream for the staff to called the Royal Physician
Ahn Sang Gung: Is there anyone outside….summon the Royal physician to come at once…quickly
Choi Dong Yi tries to shakes Queen Inhyeon
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!…Please open your eyes!!….Mama!!…Mama!!….Mama!!!….Mama!!! Jung Jong Mama!!!….Mama!!!!!
Queen Inhyeon looks lifeless as Choi Dong Yi in stricken panic
Choi Dong Yi asked Ahn Sang Gung
Choi Dong Yi: I beg you please…Ahn Sang Gung…Now I must know the truth what is going on here
Ahn Sang Gung: Suk Ui Mama?
Jang Hee Jae with Mdm Yoon
Jang Hee Jae: If by chance this matter was to be expose….
Mdm Yoon: If Queen Inhyeon regain consciousness, it will spell the end for us….we will just have to take matter at stride
Mudang pass Jang Hee Jae a package
Mudang: This will definitely able to help Yeong Gam & Hee Bin Mama
Jang Hee Bin contemplating in her residence
Jang Hee Jae cautiously takes the package
Jung Geum with a jangot in a residence
Jang Hee Bin: This is heaven’s will…that now we need to find that female physician at all cost
Bong sang Gung goes to see Choi Dong Yi
Bong Sang Gung: Mama, Queen Inhyeon’s residence staff jung Geum is missing
Jang Hee Bin reads a letter. Jang Hee Bin shocked at Jang Hee Jae’s blunder
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying, Orrabuni…you have allow the female physician to had escape. In whose hands is that female physician now under!!!!
Officer Min with Jang Mu Yeol
Jang Mu Yeol: Crown Prince Yun can’t produce posterity
Sukjong happy to hear the news
Sukjong: What are you saying…Queen Inhyeon has regain consciousness, is this true
Choi Dong Yi finally learns the truth from Ahn Sang Gung
Choi Dong Yi: What are you saying now….Crown Prince Yun can’t produce posterity
Choi Dong Yi is holding an effigy with a wooden slap
Prince Yeoning: Is this effigy really that frightful?
Choi Dong Yi reads the wooden slap
Choi Dong Yi: Yeoheung Min Clan..?….This is….
Queen Inhyeon is from Yeoheung Min Clan

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