Total Tayangan Halaman

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Bong Dal Hee Episode 2

Dal Hee duduk termenung sambil meratapi kesalahannya. Terbayang-bayang juga saat keluarga pasien memarahinya habis-habisan karena memnbiarkan pasien pergi begitu saja tanpa penanganan serius (Woei, pak, bu, pasien sendiri kan yang marah-marah minta langsung dikasih obat… L). Dokter Park (Jae Bum) datang untuk menenangkan keluarga korban yang marah-marah pada Dal Hee, dokter Ahn (Jong Geun) sendiri malah berdiri dan membiarkan saja Dal Hee disemprot habis-habisan (hmmmphh… ni orang….).
Di tengah-tengah ratapannya, tiba-tiba ponsel Dal Hee berbunyi mengabarkan sesuatu yang gawat. Ternyata Dong Gun pendarahan hebat sampai tak sadarkan diri. Dal Hee pun langsung panik menuju ruang gawat darurat.
Dal Hee kebingungan kenapa Dong Gun sampai pendarahan. Moon Kyung memarahinya habis-habisan karena Dal Hee bahkan nggak tau kalo orang kena kanker stadium akhir itu nggak boleh makan yang keras-keras (ini malah dikasih ubi rebus gede-gede ckckck…). Gun Wook hanya melihat dari jauh ketika Moon Kyung memarahi Dal Hee. Gun Wook nggak membela Dal Hee karena emang dia salah tapi juga nggak memarahi Dal Hee (karena terbayang-bayang gambar Winnie The Pooh somewhere mungkin ya… J).
Sementara itu teman-teman Dal Hee membicarakannya. Jae Bum bilang kalo Dal Hee hanya kurang beruntung saja (yap betul itu, dapet pasien bawel yang kelihatan hanya sakit maag dan akhirnya mati karena kesalahannya sendiri serta mana ada yang mengira kalau makan ubi bisa bikin pendarahan hebat).
Selanjutnya digelar konferensi kematian. Konferensi ini digelar secara berkala untuk melaporkan kematian pasien yang terjadi di rumah sakit dan tujuannya sebagai pelajaran agar lain waktu para dokter dapat menghindari terjadinya kesalahan serupa. Selain itu juga sebagai diskusi kasus kematian yang terjadi. Tapi kalo menurutku konferensi ini lebih mirip sidang pertanggungjawaban deh, soalnya serem…
Kasus pertama yang disidangkan adalah kasus kematian Lee Chang Ho (pasien Dal Hee yang nggak mau diperiksa dan langsung minta obat aja). Dal Hee pun maju ke depan dan menceritakan kejadian perkaranya. Tapi tiba-tiba dokter Ahn menyela dan bilang bahwa presentasinya membosankan dan nggak fokus pada masalah. Dokter Ahn pun langsung nyemprot Dal Hee dan bilang bahwa dialah yang salah karena membiarkan pasien itu mati.
Dal Hee pun langsung permisi untuk meninggalkan konferensi dan berlari ke kamar kecil. Dia sangat shock. Dal Hee menangis tersedu-sedu dan menyalahkan dirinya sendiri. Dia menganggap dirinya tak berguna karena membuat seseorang mati dan seorang lagi sempat kritis.
Selanjutnya Profesor Lee (kepala bagian bedah) sedang membahas gedung baru di rumah sakit dengan keponakannya, Gun Wook. Dia ingin gedung itu jadi pusat kanker. Sebaliknya, di tempat lain, Profesor Suh (kepala bagian bedah dada), membahas tentang keinginannya agar gedung baru dijadikan pusat penyakit jantung dengan dokter Ahn. Dua orang ini saingan gitu ceritanya…
Terjadi kecelakaan yang menyebabkan tiga pasien berturut-turut dibawa ke UGD. Hyun Bin (senior Dal Hee di bagian bedah dada), membagi tugas para dokter untuk menangani pasien-pasien tersebut. Dal Hee dan Min Woo kebagian pasien ketiga.
Dal Hee agak cemas ketika menangani pasien kecelakaan tersebut. Saat akan memasang intubasi (untuk nafas buatan), dia menjatuhkannya. Tangan Dal Hee juga mendadak gemetar. Akhirnya Min Woo yang melakukan intubasi karena Dal Hee terlihat nggak siap.
Kemudian detak jantung pasien mendadak nggak normal dan Min Woo langsung berupaya menormalkannya kembali. Kejadian itu membuat Dal Hee teringat akan pasien Lee Chang Ho dan sempat membuatnya trauma. Tapi akhirnya Dal Hee bisa menguasai diri dan akhirnya menyelamatkan si pasien.
Jo A Ra menemui Gun Wook dan minta ijin agar dapat ikut operasi yang dilakukan Gun Wook. A Ra memamerkan kemampuannya dan membuat Gun Wook kagum dan akhirnya diijinkan ikut operasinya. Gun Wook tanya siapa namanya. “Jo A Ra”. Lalu Gun Wook berkata, “Namamu bagus, tapi kenapa nama keluargamu harus ‘Jo’…”. A Ra cuma bengong karena ga paham. (Hehehe… mantan istri Gun Wook kan ‘Jo’ juga…).
Saat hendak masuk ke dalam lift, Gun Wook menghampiri dal Hee. Dia mengatakan bahwa Dal Hee lebih tegar dari dugaannya. Gun Wook membayangkan kalo Dal Hee bakal menangis dan meluapkan kemarahan atau bahkan mencoba bunuh diri (iya bener, Dal Hee ni tahan banting banget ya…). Gun Wook lalu berkata bahwa dokter bedah adalah satu-satunya orang yang bahagia menggunakan pisau pada manusia. Nyawa seseorang ada di tangan dokter, oleh karenanya kita harus menangani pasien dengan 100% sempurna. Gun Wook juga minta Dal Hee introspeksi diri terhadap kesalahan-kesalahannya. Dal Hee pun mendengarkannya dengan serius sampai… lift terbuka dan Gun Wook keluar lalu berkata, “Apa kau mengenakan celana Winnie The Pooh hari ini?”. “Apa?”, Dal Hee kaget. “Kalau saja kau mengatakan berapa ukuranmu, aku akan membelikanmu satu set sebagai hadiah penyemangat”, Gun Wook tersenyum menggoda dan Dal Hee pun langsung merasa malu abis.
Dal Hee menangani pasien-pasiennya dan seorang pasien harus dipasangi C-line. Karena baru pertama kali, Dal Hee nggak melakukannya dengan mulus. Dia ragu-ragu saat menusukkan jarum ke dada pasien. Jarumnya ditusuk kemudian ditarik, ditusuk lagi lalu ditarik lagi (sereeem…). Dokter Ahn yang melihatnya langsung menyuruh Dal Hee minggir dan mengambil alih pasien (ga sopan…). Lalu hasil check up pasien yang kejang-kejang keluar dan Dal Hee membacanya. Rupanya itu kejang yang normal dan meminta para suster hanya menunggu saja. Kemudian dokter Ahn datang lagi (ni orang ngintilin Dal Hee melulu yak…). Dal hee harap-harap cemas karena kejang pasien nggak reda-reda padahal ada dokter Ahn yang memandangnya dengan penuh curiga. Dokter Ahn pun langsung tanya-tanya ama Dal Hee dan kemudian kejang pasien berhenti. Dal Hee selamat dari semprotan dokter Ahn.
Dokter Ahn kemudian pergi dan Dal Hee mengejarnya. Dia mengucapkan salam kepada dokter Ahn dan berjanji akan bekerja lebih giat untuk menebus kesalahannya. Tapi dokter Ahn lagi-lagi ketus dan bilang, “Bukankah aku sudah pernah bilang agar kau nggak jadi dokter”. “Gimana rasanya membunuh orang?”. Dal Hee hanya diam. “Masih mau melakukannya?”. Dal Hee tetap diam. “Kalo nggak, lupakan untuk menjadi dokter”. “Perbedaan antara dokter bedah dan tukang daging hanyalah di atas kertas. Ketika dia menyelamatkan seseorang dengan pisaunya, dia adalah dokter bedah, dan apabila sebaliknya, dia adalah tukang daging. Tapi peluangmu untuk menjadi tukang daging adalah 99,9%. Kau bahkan membunuh orang tanpa pisau”. Dal Hee hanya diam dan matanya berkaca-kaca (ya iyalah… itu kata-kata pedes banget, masih bisa berdiri aja udah hebat).

Dokter Park, Min Woo, dan seorang dokter lagi bersiap untuk tidur karena sangat kelelahan. Tapi ketika dokter Ahn masuk ke kamar untuk beristirahat juga, mereka bertiga malah langsung melompat dari tempat tidur dan berbaris di hadapan dokter Ahn. Dokter Ahn lalu berkata “Apa kalian baru selesai wajib militer?” (habis mereka kayak kedatangan komandan gitu…). Min Woo menjawab “Ya!”, lalu mereka bertiga berhamburan keluar kamar. (Apa iya mereka habis wamil?). Dokter Ahn Cuma terbengong-bengong.
Dokter Jo Moon Kyung pulang ke rumah dan anaknya, Seung Min bertanya kenapa ayahnya nggak pulang-pulang (kayak Bang Toyib aja…). Moon Kyung rupanya bilang kalo ayahnya pergi ke Amerika tapi ketika Seung Min telpon neneknya (ibu Gun Wook), neneknya bilang Gun Wook sudah kembali. Moon Kyung pun ngeles dengan bilang ayahnya masih sibuk. Seung Min pun percaya (ni bocah lucu bangeeet… J).
Moon Kyung pun menemui Gun Wook dan berkata bahwa Seung Min mencari ayahnya, dia tau kalo Gun Wook telah kembali dari Amerika dan mengatakan bahwa ayahnya segera kembali. Gun Wook lalu dengan sinis berkata, “Siapa yang dia cari?”. Moon Kyung pun terdiam dia tak mampu menjawab. (Gun Wook seolah berkata “Ayahnya bukan gue kaleee…”).
Dong Gun telah sadar dan Dal Hee langsung berlari menemuinya. Tapi tetep aja ni bocah nggak mau dioperasi. (Bandel amat yak…). Lalu Dal Hee, Jae Bum, dan A Ra dipandu oleh Gun Wook mengunjungi seorang pasien untuk diperiksa. Pasien ini didiagnosa selulit di pahanya. (Selulit koq serem gitu ya… lebih mirip lebam). Dal Hee yang merasa pernah mendapat pasien serupa menduga si pasien terkena Necrotizing Fasciitis (semacam infeksi pada otot gitu kayaknya… dan itu berbahaya karena bisa menyebabkan kematian juga…). Tapi A Ra menyanggahnya. Gun Wook akhirnya memutuskan untuk menunggu beberapa waktu dulu untuk melakukan pengamatan sebelum diambil tindakan.
Dal Hee penasaran. Dia nggak diem aja menunggu. Dal Hee pergi ke perpustakaan lalu mencari info tentang Necrotizing Fasciitis. Dia curiga pada jumlah sel darah putih pasien yang berjumlah 14.000 (kalo selulit, sel darah putihnya sekitar 12.000). Dia pun menemui Gun Wook di ruang sterilisasi (sebelum masuk ruang operasi). Dia bilang mengenai jumlah sel darah putih pasien yang meningkat. Gun Wook bilang kalo penderita Necrotizing Fasciitis sel darah putihnya biasanya lebih dari 16.000. Dal Hee tetap menganggap peningkatan jumlah sel darah putih itu tetaplah aneh dan ngotot minta dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. Gun Wook dengan tegas menolak dan menyuruh Dal Hee pergi. Rupanya dari tadi dokter Ahn mendengarkan pembicaraan mereka.
Dokter Ahn mendatangi pasien yang diperdebatkan oleh Dal Hee dan Gun Wook tadi. Dia langsung melakukan pemeriksaan manual dan langsung memutuskan bahwa pasien menderita Necrotizing Fasciitis (hebat amat ga pake alat...) lalu menyuruh Min Woo menyiapkan ruangan operasi (hoi, pak, emang itu pasien punya situ apa? Lagi-lagi ga sopan). Sementara itu di tempat lain Gun Wook memikirkan kata-kata Dal Hee tentang pasien selulit. Dia mengamati rekam medis pasien lalu kemudian memutuskan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan penuh dan menyuruh Jae Bum menyiapkan ruangan operasi untuknya (telat, bang. Belanda udah jauh…).
Gun Wook kaget karena ternyata dokter Ahn sudah siap mengoperasi pasiennya lalu berlari menuju ruang operasi. Di dalam ruang operasi telah siap Dal Hee dan Min Woo sebagai asisten operasi.
Ketika melihat Dal Hee di dalam ruang operasi, dokter Ahn langsung marah dan tanya kenapa ada Dal Hee di ruangan operasinya. Min Woo membela Dal Hee dan bilang kalo mereka menyiapkan ruang operasi ini bersama-sama. “Siapa yang menyuruhmu mengajaknya?”, ucap dokter Ahn sinis lalu memandang Dal Hee dan berkata, “ Seingatku aku hanya memberikan perintah kepada Min Woo”. “Keluar!”, bentak dokter Ahn. Karena Dal Hee diam saja, dokter Ahn berteriak kembali, “Aku menyuruhmu keluar!!” (padahal kan dokter Ahn tau pasien ini juga dari Dal Hee… arogan amat sih… L).
Dal Hee pun keluar dari ruangan operasi dan dokter Ahn sudah siap mengiris kulit pasien. Belum sempat benar-benar keluar dari ruangan operasi tiba-tiba Gun Wook datang dan membentak dokter Ahn. Dal Hee kaget dan dokter Ahn menoleh pada Gun Wook tapi hanya sejenak lalu kembali menatap kulit pasiennya dan langsung mengiris kulit pasien (ini juga lumayan serem…) tanpa peduli pada Gun Wook. Merasa diabaikan, Gun Wook membentak dokter Ahn lebih keras lagi, “Dokter Ahn!!!).


Bong Dal Hee Episode 1

judul: Surgeon Bong Dal Hee
episode: 18
genre: Medical Drama
Lee Yo Won as Bong Dal Hee
Lee Bum Soo as Ahn Joong Geun
Oh Yon Ah as Jo Moon Kyung
Kim Min Joon as Lee Geon Wook
other cast:
Choi Yeo Jin as Jo A Ra
Kim In Kwon as Park Jae Bum
Song Jong Ho as Lee Min Woo

Cerita diawali ketika Bong Dal Hee sedang memeriksa seorang pasien (lagi pengobatan masal ke desa gitu…). Ada bapak-bapak yang minta diresepkan obat kuat tapi Dal Hee menasehati bapak itu supaya berolahraga dan berhenti merokok aja. Bapak itu memohon ama Dal Hee, katanya besok ultah istrinya, jadi dia pengen ngasih kado spesial buat istrinya. Dal Hee akhirnya bilang kalo seorang istri pasti akan lebih bahagia kalo suaminya berhenti merokok dan rajin olahraga daripada meminum obat kuat (yap, that’s right! ^.^d). Bapak itu pun akhirnya ga bisa berkata-kata lagi.
Setelah selesai melakukan pengobatan masal, Dal Hee mentraktir teman-temannya makan sebagai acara perpisahan. Dia akan pindah dari desa itu karena suatu alasan. Tiba-tiba ada sesorang yang datang dan berteriak minta tolong pada Dal Hee dan teman-temannya bahwa ada seseorang yang patah kaki. Dal Hee dkk pun langsung buru-buru lari hendak menolong orang itu. Saking buru-burunya, ketika turun tangga Dal Hee nabrak seseorang (yang selanjutnya kusebut Mr. X ya…) sampai stetoskopnya jatuh.
Ketika sampai di tempat korban, Dal Hee langsung menginterogasi si pasien patah tulang. Kakinya jelas patah dan dia tak bisa menangani jadi harus nunggu ambulans datang. Trus Dal Hee nanya bagian mana lagi yang sakit. Si pasien bilang bagian dadanya. Dal Hee langsung menginterogasi apa pasien punya sakit jantung atau diabetes tapi si pasien menggeleng. Di tengah kebingungannya tiba-tiba orang yang tadi ditabrak Dal Hee (Mr. X) datang dan nyelonong aja memeriksa si pasien (pake stetoskop Dal Hee pula, ckckck… ga sopan amat ni orang). Pas Dal Hee ngomel-ngomel ama tu orang, tiba-tiba si pasien patah kaki susah nafas dan membuat Dal Hee panik. Kemudian ambulans pun datang dan mengangkut orang itu ke tempat pendaratan helikopter (profesional banget ya… ga kaya’ di sini…).
Pas helikopternya datang dan siap mengangkut si pasien, Mr. X melihat kondisi pasien yang gawat dan tiba-tiba menyuruh mobil ambulans membawa si pasien ke klinik terdekat. Dal Hee pun menolak dengan alasan klinik terdekat nggak punya peralatan yang memadai untuk pasien ini. Tapi Mr. X malah marah-marah dan bilang bahwa pasien ini terkena cardiac tamponade (semacam pendarahan di dalam rongga dada gitu kayaknya) dan kalo nggak cepet-cepet dikasih pertolongan pertama bakal mati dalam hitungan menit. Dal Hee malah pasang tampang bingung ama istilah cardiac tamponade (walah…), alhasil si pasien langsung dibawa ke klinik terdekat (sayang juga sih helinya udah jauh-jauh datang).
Di tengah jalan, tekanan darah pasien meningkat drastis. Dal Hee panik dan menyuruh supir ambulans mempercepat mobilnya. Sesampainya di klinik terdekat, Dal Hee minta spuit jarum pada suster dan langsung memberikannya pada Mr. X. Spuit jarum pun langsung di’tusukkan’ pada dada pasien. (Agak ngeri juga liatnya, tapi justru adegan ini yang pertama kali membuatku tertarik banget ama ni serial. Adegan-adegan medisnya terlihat nyata. Ni baru permulaan, ntar lebih banyak lagi adegan yang membuat darah berdesir dan jantung berdetak. J)
Setelah dilakukan tindakan pertolongan pertama (ambil darah), tekanan darah pasien kembali normal dan kondisi pasien membaik. Mr. X pun menginstruksikan untuk membawa pasien ke rumah sakit besar karena yang dilakukannya hanyalah pertolongan pertama. Setelah itu Mr. X langsung aja nyelonong pergi (lagi-lagi nggak sopan). Dal Hee pun ngejar Mr. X untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Mr. X menanggapi ucapan terima kasih Dal Hee dengan ketus. Bahkan dia mengucapkan kalimat yang menurutku paling kejam, “jangan jadi dokter kecuali kau mati kelaparan”. (Weleh-weleh… kayaknya Dal Hee nggak separah itu deh…).
Dal Hee sempet tersinggung juga dengan kalimat Mr. X., tapi dasar Dal Hee orangnya bandel dan tahan banting, kalimat itu nggak membuatnya putus asa. Bahkan ketika Mr. X udah berlalu, dia langsung ingat apa itu cardiac tamponade (Lha… kenapa nggak dari tadi aja…).
Dal Hee pamitan pada ibunya hendak pergi ke London. Dia bilang agar ibunya menjaga kesehatan dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Tapi sebenernya Dal Hee bukan ke London tapi ke rumah sakit Seoul University. Jadi ceritanya si Dal Hee ini dilarang jadi dokter ama ibunya, tapi saking keras kepalanya Dal Hee nekat bohongin ibunya dengan bilang akan ke London padahal dia ke rumah sakit Seoul agar bisa jadi dokter bedah. Mengenai kenapa dilarang jadi dokter ama ibunya, ntar kujelasin belakangan.
Dal Hee menginjakkan kaki di rumah sakit Seoul dengan penuh semangat. Saking semangatnya sampai-sampai dia mengira sedang masuk ke ruangan kosong padahal ada seseorang sedang tidur di dalamnya (sebut aja Mr. Y). Mr. Y yang mendengar suara seseorang masuk langsung terbangun dari tidurnya dan mengamati Dal Hee yang dengan entengnya ganti baju di ruangan itu. Mr. Y bahkan menahan tawa saat melihat bahwa celana kolor Dal Hee bergambar Winnie The Pooh J.
Setelah ganti baju, Dal Hee pun keluar ruangan. Baru beberapa langkah meninggalkan ruangan tersebut, tiba-tiba ada panggilan darurat. Semua dokter pun berlarian menuju tempat gawat darurat (ruang operasi 1) termasuk Mr. Y yang langsung keluar dari ruangan dan membuat Dal Hee kaget dan ekspresinya seolah bertanya: apa orang itu tadi melihatku ganti baju….?
Semua dokter berkumpul di ruang operasi 1. Para dokter tahun pertama berkumpul di sana dengan tujuan melihat jalannya operasi. Rupanya Mr. Y yang akan melakukan operasi. Adegan operasinya juga bagus banget. Warna dan kekentalan darahnya terlihat nyata, trus detail ruangan operasinya juga oke banget. Pokoknya two thumbs up deh buat ni serial!
Operasi berhasil dan semua dokter (terutama yang tahun pertama) langsung memandang kagum kepada Mr. Y, tak terkecuali Dal Hee. Ketika keluar dari ruang operasi pun Mr. Y masih menjadi bahan pembicaraan para dokter tahun pertama yakni Park Jae Bum, Jo A Ra, dan Lee Min Woo. Tapi pembicaraan ketiga orang itu tiba-tiba beralih ke kabar bahwa ada dokter wanita (maksudnya si Dal Hee) yang masuk ke departemen Thoracic Surgical (bedah bagian dada). Min Woo mengiyakan. Jae Bum malah meledek nama Dal Hee menjadi Bongdari yang artinya tas plastik. Mereka nggak sadar kalau dari tadi yang mereka bicarakan ada di belakang mereka. Dal Hee malah dengan pedenya nunjukkin co-cardnya dan seolah berkata: ‘hei… ini aku loh Bong Dal Hee yang kalian bicarakan…’ Min Woo, A Ra, dan terutama Jae Bum langsung kaget (ya iyalah… gosipin orang eh orangnya di sebelah, tengsin abis).
Selanjutnya Jang Ji Hyuk (senior para dokter bedah tahun pertama) dan Kim Hyun Bin (senior dokter tahun pertama bagian bedah dada) ngasih instruksi ama para dokter tahun pertama. Kata-kata yang paling kuingat adalah saat Ji Hyuk bilang, “Apapun yang terjadi, kalian tidak boleh bertindak dengan keputusan sendiri, bertanyalah apapun. Bertanyalah walaupun untuk pergi ke kamar kecil”. (Weleh-weleh…)
Ji Hyuk memberikan intruksi pertamanya pada Dal Hee dan langung didengarkan baik-baik serta dicatat oleh Dal hee. Dal Hee menjalankan semua instruksi Ji Hyuk dan ketika menemui masalah dia langsung menelpon Ji Hyuk untuk menanyakannya. Tapi Ji Hyuk malah marah-marah tiap Dal Hee telpon dan bilang, “Gunakanlah otakmu dulu sebelum menelpon!”. (Yaelah ni orang… Katanya harus menanyakan apapun, sekarang ditanyai malah marah-marah…).
Sampai pada pasien yang Ji Hyuk bilang pada Dal Hee untuk melepas selang pada perutnya. Dal Hee membuka plester pelindung selangnya tapi rupanya selangnya sudah bersih dan dalam keadaan terpotong. Dal Hee sebenarnya curiga, tapi karena Ji Hyuk nggak mengangkat telponnya jadi Dal Hee langsung aja mencabut selang itu. Rupanya selang itu sangat mudah dicabut. Dal Hee bertambah curiga dan akhirnya menemui Ji hyuk di ruang steril sebelum ruang operasi.
Betapa kagetnya Ji Hyuk waktu Dal Hee bilang bahwa selang pasien mudah sekali dicabut. Ji Hyuk kaget karena belum saatnya selang itu dicabut. Dal Hee pun kena semprot (di sebelah Ji Hyuk ada Mr. Y pula). Padahal kan Ji Hyuk sendiri yang nyuruh Dal Hee mencabut selang pasien…
Karena bete, Dal Hee pun menuju ruang rahasia (bukan secret garden loh… J). Dia menelpon ibunya dan bilang seolah dia sudah ada di London. Dal Hee sebenernya agak merasa bersalah juga membohongi ibunya, tapi ya gimana lagi…
Kemudian Ji Hyuk mendatangi Dal Hee di ruang data pasien sambil marah-marah. Jadi si Ji Hyuk ini batal ikut operasi karena ditegur ama Mr. Y. Menurut Mr. Y, Ji Hyuk harusnya bertanggung jawab atas para dokter tahun pertama, jadi dia diusir dari ruang operasi untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya (soal selang pasien itu…). Karenanya Dal Hee jadi dapat tugas menjadi dokter jaga untuk Han Dong Gun, seorang pasien anak-anak yang menderita kanker hati yang udah parah.
Mr. Y datang dan bertanya siapa dokter jaga Dong Gun. Dal Hee langsung menunjukkan diri dan akhirnya pergi bersama Mr. Y menuju kamar Dong Gun. Mr. Y yang ternyata Lee Gun Wook adalah dokter yang akan mengoperasi Dong Gun.
Di perjalanan menuju kamar Dong Gun, Gun Wook menyindir soal kolor Dal Hee yang bergambar Winnie The Pooh. Dal Hee pun langsung kaget karena ternyata orang ini melihatnya saat ganti baju.
Sesampainya di kamar Dong Gun, sudah ada dokter Jo Moon Kyung selaku dokter spesialis anak untuk Dong Gun. Moon Kyung pun memperkenalkan Gun Wook pada ibu Dong Gun bahwa dialah dokter yang akan mengoperasi Dong Gun. (Dong Gun kelihatan cocok banget jadi peran ini. Pucet-pucetnya, tatapan matanya, ekspresinya dapet banget).
Moon Kyung dan Gun Wook bersikap biasa saja seolah nggak ada hubungan apa-apa. Tapi setelah keluar dari kamar Dong Gun, Moon Kyung menyapa pada Gun Wook. Moon Kyung bersikap ramah tapi Gun Wook malah ketus (tampang boleh jutek tapi dipanggil honey masih nengok… hm…). Rupanya mereka ni pernah nikah dan udah bercerai setahun lalu…
Cerita berlanjut pada kedatangan seorang Profesor termuda yang sebelumnya mengajar di kampus tapi kemudian memilih untuk bekerja di rumah sakit. Profesor itu pun memperkenalkan diri di hadapan para dokter. Dia bernama Ahn Jong Geun dan Dal Hee ingat betul siapa orang ini (Mr. X). Dal Hee terkagum-kagum karena tak menyangka bahwa Mr. X adalah seorang profesor. Dal Hee bahkan melambai-lambai pada Dokter Ahn tapi Dokter Ahn nggak melihatnya. (Ya iyalah, sapa elo…).
Kemudian lanjut ke cerita tentang permasalahan yang dialami para dokter tahun pertama. Min Woo dengan pasien berwajah garangnya yang kesal karena Min Woo lelet saat menjahit lukanya. Lalu Jae Bum dengan pasien konstipasi (susah BAB) parah yang suaminya mengira dirinya terkena kanker. Dal Hee juga tak kalah pusing dengan pasiennya yang bawel. Dal Hee meminta pasiennya untuk melakukan sejumlah pemeriksaan untuk memastikan penyakitnya. Tapi si pasien malah marah-marah dan menuduh itu adalah tipu daya yang biasa dilakukan dokter agar memperoleh banyak uang (maksudnya kalo pasien melakukan pemeriksaan macem-macem kan bayarnya jadi lebih gitu…). Si pasien langsung aja minta gastric juice (mungkin maksudnya cairan lambung biar gejala maagnya makin ringan gt...) ama Dal Hee sambil bentak-bentak dan mengancam akan pergi dari situ kalo nggak langsung dikasih obat (ceritanya ni orang tuh pengusaha yang punya banyak klien). Dal Hee pun langsung aja meresepkan methoxamine dan gastric juice. (Masih ga paham kenapa dikasih methoxamine, kan obat hipotensi [tekanan darah rendah]…).
Dal Hee datang mengunjungi Dong Gun. Rupanya Dong Gun ini nggak mau makan. Dal Hee pun menasehati Dong Gun agar makan sehingga dia bisa memiliki cukup energi untuk melawan penyakitnya. Dong Gun pun langsung bilang kalo dia ingin makan sesuatu yakni ubi rebus.
Dal Hee pun langsung membawakan ubi rebus untuk Dong Gun. Tepat saat Dong Gun akan makan ubi rebusnya, ada panggilan darurat. Dal Hee pun meninggalkan Dong Gun dan berpesan agar Dong Gun makan ubi rebus pelan-pelan saja. Tapi dasar udah ngidam banget, Dong Gun pun makan dengan rakus (ckckck… ni bocah…).
Rupanya panggilan darurat itu datang dari UGD dan pasien yang datang adalah pasien Dal Hee yang bawel dan langsung minta obat maag tadi. Pasien itu rupanya tak sadarkan diri setelah pulang dari rumah sakit. Dal Hee kaget dan langsung panik setelah mengetahuinya. Apalagi ketika memasuki ruang UGD yang ternyata si pasien sedang dalam kondisi kritis. Dokter Ahn berusaha melakukan resusitasi (pijat jantung n nafas buatan [selanjutnya kusebut pacu jantung aja ya biar gampang]) pada pasien tapi tak kunjung berhasil. Gun Wook menyuruh Dokter Ahn berhenti memicu jantung si pasien karena sudah 40 menit lebih. Dokter Ahn pun berhenti tapi Dal Hee langsung melanjutkan untuk memicu jantung si pasien. Dal Hee nggak mau si pasien mati (karena tadi dia yang membiarkannya pulang begitu saja setelah dikasih obat maag). Gun Wook menyuruh Dal Hee berhenti, bahkan Dokter Ahn sampai membentak Dal Hee beberapa kali sampai Dal Hee akhirnya berhenti. Dal Hee terlihat sangat shock tapi kemudian menguatkan diri untuk menumumkan waktu kematian, “Pasien Lee Chang Ho, waktu kematian… 9.56 malam...”.


Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

akhirnya datang juga

akhirnya sampai juga di episode 32 buat senen besok.......
ai agak berdebar- debar liat tingkahnya sukjong yagn bikin gemes.....

kita liat aj gimana kelanjutan serial ini.....
ah ad sedikit permintaan buat ikan terbang (indosiar) gimana klo jam tayang dong yi dipindah ke yang sore aj jam tayangnya temtation of wife, kasian kita2 yang g bisa liat klo di tayangkan jam 12.00 WIB.....

plis y ikan terbang....

semoga bentar lagi muterin drama korea yang g kalah bagusnya dari yang sekarang......

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

dae mul episode 3 and preview

Seo Hye Rim taking the subway as people recognises her as Seo Hye Rim & render her encouragement to strive in life, as Seo Hye Rim thanked for their well wishes then Seo Hye Rim walking out of Jongro station then looks at the flag of Australia. Kang Tae San calls Seo Hye Rim to asked whether she hasn’t left for Namseong then he asked to meet up with Seo Hye Rim, it will only take a while. Kang tae San asked Seo Hye Rim to go to the Heritage Club
Ha Do Ya comes to Seoul to Heritage Club then tells that ambience makes one’s feel wealthy as he never realise that in Korea there is such a place like this then read the signage “Heritage Club” & tells that this is where the elite & the rich conduct their business but then he asked what is he doing here, why the Chief Public prosecutor doesn’t asked him to go to the Public Prosecutor office but come to this club instead. Ha Do ya comes in & see Jang Se Bin passes him by then shout at her as “insolent”. Jang Se Bin turns as Ha Do Ya asked Jang Se Jin that she can’t recognise him. Ha Do ya introduce that he is “junk car” then she has render him a kiss. Jang Se Jin asked Ha Do Ya doesn’t know how to keep this quiet, this is where she works as she stab Ha Do Ya shoe with her stiletto heels & digs into Ha Do Ya’s feet that make him crunch with pain
Jang Se Jin asked what a person like Ha Do ya will be doing in a place like this. Ha Do ya asked what place is this then, as he can see it look like a hotel, then tells that Jang Se Jin must be an escort here. Jang Se Jin tells that this is a Legislator club then if he is not accompany by a legislator, then Ha Do Ya needs to leave the place. Ha Do ya tells that he has been invited by the Chief Public Prosecutor to come here then he asked whether he is a legislator. Jang Se Jin tells ha Do ya to leave at once his business affairs is done here. Ha Do ya tells that the least jang Se Jin can do…is to give some direction to this place as jang Se Jin walks away. A usher show ha Do ya the way
Most country has “gentleman club” for their politicians, although this days women are admitted. A gentlemen’s club is a members-only private club of a type originally set up by and for English upper class men in the eighteenth century, and popularised by English upper-middle class men and women in the late nineteenth century. Today, some are more open about the gender and social status of members. Many countries outside the United Kingdom have prominent gentlemen’s clubs
Kang Tae San & Seo Hye Rim in the heritage club for some tea as Ha Do ya notice Seo Hye Rim & calls on her then asked what is she doing here then when did she come to Seoul. Seo Hye Rim tells ha Do ya that they will discuss this latter. Ha Do Ya acknowledge & leave then curious what is happening that Seo Hye Rim is such a serious tone in her manner. Ha Do ya queries what is she having a discussion with a politician like Kang Tae San
Kang Tae San asked Seo Hye Rim whether she has any interested in entering the field of politics. Seo Hye Rim is surprised by Kang tae San’s question. Kang Tae San tells Seo Hye Rim that he wants to invite Seo Hye Rim to become their party candidate for Namseong’s by-election. Seo Hye Rim think it is a joke. Seo Hye Rim tells that she is just an Ajumma who doesn’t even have an idea how to write the word politics, how can Kang Tae San pull a joke like that on her. Kang Tae San tells that Seo Hye Rim has already have a definite & clear understanding on the idea what politics is about. Seo Hye Rim affirms that she doesn’t understand anything to do with politics. Kang Tae Sang asked Seo Hye Rim in her opinion what politics is actually for her. Seo Hye Rim insist that she doesn’t want to know or understand & has no interest to enter into politics
Kang tae San tells that the mosquitoes problems incident that Seo Hye Rim is now trying to advocate for the villagers that Seo Hye Rim has express her concern for the populace in addressing their grievances & doing something about the matter, this is called politics, but Kang Tae San tells that there is few but none of this kind of politician that subscribe to this politics. Seo Hye Rim tells that honestly her life is already difficult as it is & doesn’t wish to be seen as a public figure. Seo Hye Rim tells that she doesn’t have the confident that Korea will be a suitable country to raise her son in, that she already apply for immigrate to Australia then Seo Hye Rim asked that Kang Tae San be that politician that this country strive to create a country that they can raise their children with pride & confidence. Seo Hye Rim apologise & excuse that she need to take her leave
Ha Do Ya meets with the Chief Public prosecutor that he has the green light to open a case file on Jo Bae Ho to investigate. Chief Public prosecutor tells he can, but he has to do it alone. Ha Do ya thanked Chief Public prosecutor. Ha Do ya tells that it is an honour that he is a Public prosecutor. Seo Hye Rim fanning her son to sleep then Bang Dong Ha mutter in the sleep that someone is following him & he is frightened as Seo Hye Rim assures her son that it is alright & that she is right beside him. Seo Hye Rim tells that they will immigrant to Australia where his Aunty is & there her son can go to school safely & in peace of mind & over there no one can recognise her face that she can go & find her life back where it is once was
Ha Do ya gives Kong Seong Jo the cheque made out to Jo Bae Ho & asked Kong Seong Jo for approval. Kong Seong Jo asked who orders is Ha Do ya now following as Kong Seong Jo threaten to tear the paper. Kong Seong Jo refuse to approve Ha Do Ya to investigate Jo Bae Ho. Ha Do ya notice that Seo Hye Rim is not in the office. His staff tells that Seo Hye Rim has serve her community sentence then Nam Mi Yeong tells she has heard that Seo Hye Rim is leaving to immigrate for Australia. Ha Do Ya shocked that Seo Hye Rim is immigrating then shout who allow her to do that as the staff surprise at Ha Do Ya’s outburst then he thinks of a solution & tell his staff to see whether they is some technicality that will keep Seo Hye Rim in the country
Seo Hye Rim & Bang Dong Ha in the airport as she goes to the counter to checks in & ha Do ya is in pursuit with the police then at the immigration, Seo Hye Rim is denies to leave the country, as ha Do ya comes running that under her serving of sentence, she can’t leave the country then tells that he will remand her in custody. Seo Hye Rim asked Ha Do ya what is happening here. Ha Do ya tells that Seo Hye Rim still short of 2 hours in serving her community service then tells that she needs to serve her full sentence before leaving. Seo Hye Rim is certain that she did serve her sentence. Ha Do ya sigh but give a smile
Son Bon Sik with Kang Tae San
Kang Tae San: The matter of subject that Seo Hye Rim ahs brought forward…I want you to put some consideration…looking at what Seo Hye Rim has on her, it is not just a mere mosquitoes problem
Seo Hye Rim gets overwhelming response from the villagers
Ha Do Ya with Jo Bae Ho
Ha Do Ya: What is your name?….Name!!!
Ha Do ya playing badminton with Bang Dong Ha
Kang Tae San: The candidate for Namseong, Namhae is Seo Hye Rim, the former announcer of HBS
Seo Hye Rim with the mosquitoes eradication exercise
Seo Hye Rim: Do you think in order for gain personal benefits that I enter into politics…to bring up my fame & reputation…then ask me to run for legislator for the election
Seo Hye Rim comes to Ha Bong Do’s restaurant to see a hooded man only to get chloroform by him
Ha Do Ya gets a call from Seo Hye Rim
Ha Do Ya: Ajumma!!!
Ha Do ya gets stab by the hooded man as Seo Hye Rim is shock to see ha Do ya stabbed as Seo hye Rim screams as Ha Do ya collapse

The last few minutes of Dae Mul Episode 6
Seo Hye Rim is kidnapped as Kang Tae San is pursue of the kidnapped as he informs Ha Do Ya who is on Kim tae Bong’s case & find that Jang Se Jin is involve through a purchase of a painting from the gallery in Heritage Club. Ha Do Ya acknowledged asked his staff to put a GPS on Seo Hye Rim’s hand phone for location then rides his motorbike to the site. Kang tae San tries to corner the kidnaper as Seo Hye Rim struggles only to get whack by the kidnapper. Ha Do ya comes with the bike & asked the kidnapper to put over but he refuse seeing that ha Do Ya is on the motorbike, then Ha Do ya over took him then a tipper truck comes across the path of the kidnapper as he brakes. Ha Do Ya comes on the car with a iron pipe. & smash the wind screen, Kang Tae San takes Seo Hye Rim out of the car to asked if she is alright then beat the living daylight out of the kidnapper
Ha Do Ya goes to see Seo Hye Rim to see if she is alright only to have her collapse in his arms unconscious. In the hospital as Seo Hye Rim regain consciousness, as her mother frantically call out to her daughter. Seo Hye Rim asked about the progress of the campaign trail running as her mother tells that her daughter just came back on the brink of death that Seo Hye Rim still concern about her campaign. Seo Hye Rim tells that they are people waiting for her. Seo Hye Rim mother scream what is go great about the election that Seo Hye Rim has to almost render her life for this cause. Seo Hye Rim’s mother chases Kang Tae San & Ha Do Ya out of the room as this election nearly cause her daughter’s life. Wang Jong Go trying to do damaged control since it is the last day before balloting & Seo Hye Rim has a battered face & think whether they can win some sympathy points as Ha Do ya scream at Wang Jong Gi that if she is not a woman, he will have punch her daylight away. Ha Do ya tells Kang Tae Sang to let go of Seo Hye Rim that she is a person who lost her husband & not easy for her to find courage to carry on with her life & asked Kang Tae San to let go Seo Hye Rim then tells what is so dog ass grand about the National Assembly that it pains Ha Do ya to see Seo Hye Rim suffer like that. Seo Hye Rim’s mother is upset on the tragedies that has inflicted on her daughter, as Seo Hye Rim turns around to weep to listen to her mother’s pains
Son Bon Sik doing a broadcast on the results of the by-election & the last day before balloting with expert comments then telling that Min Wu Dang chance of winning since this will effect on President Baek Seong Min in the coming election as Kim Hyeong Gap is doing his last minute rallying before balloting
Seo Hye Rim is in hospital & tells that she need to return to her electoral booth as Wang Jong Gi tells that she is in no health condition that she has a running fever that is over 400, how can she campaign in this health
Jang Se Jin is looking into Jo Bae Ho’s illicit dealings on how he gets his money is through the dealing of the purchases of paintings. Ha Do ya pays Jang Se Jin a house call at her gallery then asked Ha Do Ya his purpose of his visit. Ha Do ya asked why don’t they both do a political barter. Jang Se Jin takes Ha Do Ya to a room then Ha Do Ya tells that this rooms are where Jo Bae Ho does his political dealings. Jang Se Jin tells Ha Do Ya to do away with the introduction & get to his point. Ha Do ya tells why don’t they engage in a business transaction exactly what politician do in these room. Jang Se Jin asked what trump card does Ha Do Ya has in his deck of card to bring out to barter.
Ha Do ya tells that a lot of members will purchase painting from Heritage Club gallery, especially if it is to be bought for Jo Bae Ho as Ha Do Ya has the receipts for them as Jang Se Jin tells that Ha Do ya wish to get his trump card from her. Ha Do ya lets Jang Se Jin look at the receipt he got from Kim Tae Bong on Jo Bae Ho’s purchase painting that he is sure that they are now hanging in Jo Bae Ho’s home as Jang Se Jin asked that they will focus on this evidence as Ha Do Ya tells Jang Se Jin “Bingo” she has got the drift
Seo Hye Rim with her son in her hospital bed as she recalls the events that brought about her reason to campaign. Seo Hye Rim gets up & tells she just can’t died this way then she asked her mother that she will go to her electoral booth as Seo Hye Rim’s mother tells that she is no condition to go anywhere then Seo Hye Rim tells what ahs she done wrong to have such tragedy befall on her
Kang Tae San takes a stiff drink as Jang Se Jin question Kang Tae San why he has stakes so much in investing on Seo Hye Rim. Kang tae San tells that Seo Hye Rim will be his weapon to eliminate Jo Bae Ho. Jang Se Jin tells to eliminate Jo Bae Ha, does he really need to use such frontal assault. Kang Tae San asked what is Jang Se Jin implying by saying that. Jang Se Jin tells that there is some alternative that may reap the same results
Ha Do ya learns from her mother that Seo Hye Rim left her hospital bed for her electoral booth that her mother is at his end wits can only pray to Buddha. Ha Do Ya tells that it si now raining for Seo Hye Rim to be there then takes his leave
Seo Hye Rim in her booth
Seo Hye Rim: Ladies & Gentleman, as you all may have known that my husband went to Afghanistan to do news reporting & in the end died tragically there & I have lost my husband. The reason is that this country is weak that this country needs to conformed to United States policy to do its bidding & he died because of that. As the citizen of this country, that he was unable to be render this country’s protection that he left his beloved wife & son behind & he was tragically murdered. Ladies & Gentleman when are we going to live our lives in this kind of predicaments, that we have chose unconditionally to accept this country terms that has never & refuse to change its mind set in decades…facing deaths in its citizen..what are the politician & policy markers doing but only accepting everything their stride with reaction, how can our descendants able to inherit such a country…that for the sake of a vote in the ballot that they want to continue to see this country develop to such a state….As a woman that it is not easy for me to enter this election….This country…how can the authorities gain populace sentiment & confidence, when I myself could be kidnap… Ladies & Gentleman…if this continue…who dare to stand out to be the advocator of public grievances…in this country…we…what aspiration do we have to hold in our lives to strive…if this continues…we…how are we able to raise our defendless children to adulthood…what about the government or even the law markers doing…if this is said…even if we stand before the court of law, we may not able to defend & honour any beneficial right in our favour…Before the ballots, I could have resort in using the same tactical stratagems but however my son is looking at me, how can I able to chose to use this malicious scheme. When my son grows up in the future then there will come a time that my son will asked me, that my father is already dead, what has this country done to itself…how will I able to search for an answer for his question, this is why I am now standing before you today… Ladies & Gentleman…This is to tell my son…the words that this country…Taegeukgi…is raise to allow people to have pride & dignity…in for this words that I am now standing before you people… Ladies & Gentleman
Ha Do ya comes with the umbrella to shelter her from the pouring rain as Seo Hye Rim pushes it away & refuse the umbrella…Then as Seo Hye Rim speech progress the crowd started to bring down their umbrella & gets drench in the rain…then after her speech, Seo Hye Rim wobbles under her feet as her speech has taken a lot of effort from her frail health & collapse into Ha Do Ya’s arms
Taegeukgi is the name for the South Korean flag
The ballot day as people cast their votes. Ha Do ya cast his vote on Seo Hye Rim
Ha Do Ya present the evidence to Kong Seong Jo on Jo Bae Ho. King Seong Jo asked why his insistence on going for Jo Bae Ho that does he want to get stabbed again. Ha Do ya tells that this are receipts that Kim Tae Bong bought painting at the Heritage Club for Jo Bae Ho then these receipt that the paintings that Kim Tae Bong has alleged to have purchase from the gallery is not with Kim tae Bong but the evidence that it was sent to Jo Bae Ho’s residence therefore the evidence that prove Jo Bae Ho’s involvement in this case. Ha Do Ya asked Kong Seong Jo for his approval. Kong Seong Jo asked whether Ha Do Ya has the confidence to pull this through. Ha Do Ya tells that if he can’t arrest Jo Bae Ho then he will de-robe & leave the legal profession. King Seong Jo sign & asked Ha Do Ya to proceed accordingly. Ha Do Ya thanked Kong Seong Jo for his approval & signature. Kong Seong Jo tells that the warrant doesn’t mean that Ha Do Ya will have Jo Bae Ho’s arrest
Kong Seong Jo asked Ha Do Ya to pay up his wages on the gamble of Seo Hye Rim to win.
The results on Namseong election that Kim Hyeong Gap is leading by 37% against Seo Hye Rim 31%. Kim Hyeong Gap’s camp cheers at the results. King Seong Jo eating jajamyun with his staff as long as the ballot are not in, they don’t know who will be the ultimate winner. Kang tae San’s Min Wu Dan wins some election as Jo Bae Ho tells that it is not over for him since Namseong result is not in & it may be Kang tae San’s downfall.
President Baek Seong Min looking at the by-election on television as the President staff that Kang tae San is trying to run a clean campaign against the wolves looks like it is an ultimate end. President Baek Seong Min concurs bit then he wonder if Seo Hye Rim seems to be lacking somewhat….
Wang Jong Gi tells that she will return to Seoul as Seo Hye Rim thanked her for her campaign effort then Seo Hye Rim cleans up her office. Ha Do Ya waits for Seo Hye Rim downstairs then praise her for a good effort run as the election is over. Ha Do ya asked her to get on his bike but then Seo Hye Rim tells she is wearing a skirt. Ha Do ya assures that this time his track pants is laundry cleaned as Seo Hye Rim rides with ha Do Ya on his bike. Ha Do ya takes Seo Hye Rim to see the night sky. Ha Do ya asked what will Seo Hye Rim do after this. Seo Hye Rim tells that through this election that she has gain recognition to the masses but she want to be an insurance lady then asked whether she want to venture into business selling souveniors
Seo Hye Rim: Do Ya!
Ha Do Ya: yes
Seo Hye Rim: That although that there was a scandal that got you involved with a widow like me, that I am really sorry for your father
Ha Do Ya: That what about me then….are you sorry for me
Seo Hye Rim nods
Ha Do Ya: Why is that?
Seo Hye Rim: Although I am raising Dong Ha, but I still consider beautiful & beautiful beyond comparison that you can’t hold hands
Ha Do Ya: really!
Seo Hye Rim: Isn’t that so?
Ha Do ya: yes indeed…Ajumma you are really beautiful
Seo Hye Rim notice that Ha Do ya is blushing
Seo Hye Rim: Oh! Look your face is blushing in redness
Ha Do Ya: Ajumma…please don’t….I have feelings
Seo Hye Rim: You are indeed blushing
Then Seo Hye Rim laughing then Ha Do Ya phone rings.
Ha Do Ya: What is it father
Ha Bong Do in his restaurant
Ha Bong Do: There is a recount of the votes…this country is out for a change
Ha Do ya: What?
Ha Do Ya goes to look at the news report in his phone that there is a recount on the ballot & in the end of the recount Seo Hye Rim has the ballot votes of 45876 votes against Kim Hyeong Gap who only have 45865 votes. Seo Hye Rim win by the difference of 11 votes then Seo Hye Rim is declare the winning candidate of Namseong
Seo Hye Rim is astounded to hear the news that she has won. Ha Do ya asked Seo Hye Rim whether this is not a dream. Seo Hye Rim tells that it can’t be. Ha Do Ya pinches Seo Hye Rim cheeks as she scream in pain. Ha Do ya asked whether it hurts. Seo Hye Rim confirms it hurt then Ha Do ya confirms that it is not a dream then praise “Manse” then scream in rally “Legislator Seo Hye Rim, Manse” as Seo Hye Rim follow in Ha Do ya cheer as they jump for joy
No preview

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

The final 15 mins of Dong Yi Final Episode (60)

The final 15 mins of Dong Yi Final Episode (60)
Choi Guk Gi release from the police bureau as he steps out, his daughter Ryeo Ri comes to greet her father as Choi Guk Gi hugs his daughter as they embrace in teary reunion. Choi Dong Yi steps out from the police bureau as Choi Guk Gi notice Choi Dong Yi & thanked Choi Dong Yi for advocating his release & he is forever in her gratitude as Choi Dong Yi brushes that there is no gratitude to be render & tells that she is doing what she is obligate to do for him. Choi Dong Yi strokes Ryeo Ri to tells him to look after her father well since he has injuries that need attendance as Ryeo Ri acknowledged that she will take care of her father. Ryeo Ri & Choi Guk Gi continuously thanked their gratitude towards Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi torn down the wall to extend her entrance of Ihyeongung palace, her entrance doesn’t have a gate. The peasant pitching their labour in doing some construction as Choi Dong Yi & Bing Sang Gung comes out to see what the noisy commotion is. Bong Sang Gung asked what is happening here. The a Cheonmin comes to greets Choi Dong Yi return from police bureau then asked whether she recognise him from the porridge line in Hyeminseo. Choi Dong Yi remember him then asked about his well being & asked if he is well. Cheonmin affirms that he is well that he already have a family. Choi Dong Yi asked him what is happening here. Cheonmin tells that they are giving Choi Dong Yi a present, this is why they are here. Another Cheonmin comes that tomorrow is Choi Dong Yi’s birthday & they has pitch in to give her a present. Choi Dong Yi is touched & move by their gesture as they tells Choi Dong Yi to wait for her surprise as he asked the people to hurry with their work. Kim Gu Seon brings Prince Yeoning to see what the populace is doing for his mother & tells prince Yeoning that today lesson is what he now see before him then asked Prince Yeoning never to forget this sight
Choi Dong Yi turns at notice Prince Yeoning then calls to him
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning runs towards his mother
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Choi Dong Yi gives her son a hug
Choi Dong Yi: What is this….why are you here?
Prince Yeoning: Tomorrow isn’t it Eomeoni’s birthday…Jung Jong Mama especially given her kind permission for me to come 7 celebrate your birthday with you
Choi Dong Yi: Is this true?
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Eomeoni, I stay over the night then we can have long chat together as you put me to bed
Choi Dong Yi: Yes…indeed, we will do that….
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni, today I have learn a very important lesson
Choi Dong Yi: Eh?
Prince Yeoning: I have now come to realise Eomeoni’s intention for me is, that I will never forget that intention & why you have done what you did by taking private residency. I have learn this lesson well & will put this into practice in the future
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: I will never forget this….forever Mother will be embedded in my heart & what you have impart to me….
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, it is indeed…thank you…..thank you very much
Prince Yeoning: Why do you need to thank me….Eomeoni is my Mother….I am Mother’s son…how much that I need to thanked you is beyond any count
Choi Dong Yi hug her matured thinking son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Sukjong looking at the distance seeing Choi Dong Yi embracing Prince Yeoning
In the night, Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi stroll the street market as she pick up a norigae & tells she will have this. Sukjong asked her to chose a more expensive one as Sukjong tells that he will buy all in this tray. Choi Dong Yi tells that that will do since she like the norigae she has picks & will not want others. Sukjong will not take heed & tells the shopkeeper that he will purchase all in this tray. The Shopkeeper surprise but obliged in Sukjong’s purchase as Choi Dong Yi asked why he needs to do this. Sukjong asked why is Choi Dong Yi protesting that he can’t buy anything he wants for her birthday, why is she even stopping him of buying her birthday present for her. Choi Dong Yi tells even if he wants to, he doesn’t need to buy everything there is here. Choi Dong Yi tells that she will have the one she picks as Sukjong protest & Choi Dong Yi brushes him away. Sukjong is upset over Choi Dong Yi being frugal with him
Sukjong still complaints that Choi Dong Yi stop him for making the purchase as he tells that he should render present to the person he loves & will buy whatever the item for her since he is the King, the highest authority in this land & asked her if that is a crime. Choi Dong Yi tells that her most precious Sukjong has given her is the Garakji that he gave her in the past that he tells that he bought the Garakji with his heart & Choi Dong Yi tells that nothing will surpass that Choi Dong Yi pacifies that there will be more birthday in many years to come to come for him to purchase things for her. Sukjong admits to lost this bout to her then asked her to promise that he will buy her something every year & she must not decline for the many years to come. Sukjong asked Choi Dong Yi to come closer for him to have a look as he wants to give a kiss as Choi Dong Yi is shy since they are now on public streets
A doors open & Choi Dong Yi notice suspicious men carrying on his shoulder a person tied in a bag & fleeing the scene as Sukjong tells that something is amiss with them. Sukjong goes to asked Chief Eunuch Han to summon the police bureau for assistance as he return to the spot where he left Choi Dong Yi, she is already missing then asked where is Choi Dong Yi then finds Choi Dong Yi overlooking a fence wall
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi pulls Sukjong down hushes Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Sssh! Keep your voice down…they might hear us
Sukjong; What are you trying to do, quickly we must leave now
Choi Dong Yi: There is something amiss happening over there…we must stop them
Sukjong: What?….
Choi Dong Yi: We will have to apprehended them in the act
Sukjong stops Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: I have inform the police bureau, let’s wait for them
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, if we do that the evidence will disappear…do you wish to see that happened….
Sukjong: how are we go about doing this
Choi Dong Yi comes up with an idea
Choi Dong Yi; Cheon Na?
Sukjong thinks that Choi Dong Yi has come out with a brilliant idea
Choi Dong Yi: How about….for another attempt on this….can’t you do that
Sukjong: What is that then?
Choi Dong Yi looks up at the wall as Sukjong follow her eyes to see the wall before them
Sukjong: Are you suggesting that you want to scale over the wall?
Choi Dong Yi: Anyhow we have done this before, therefore you can bend over 7 let me step on your back….
Sukjong: On my back?….I am the King….the last time you didn’t know who I was, it was to be excuse…now on the contrary you already know
Choi Dong Yi: Are you here claiming that you are King or a gentleman…this is now outside the palace…now tell me you are King or a gentleman
Sukjong stutters as Choi Dong Yi insists
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!!!
Sukjong: All right then…I understand….my back it is then..come…
Sukjong bends over as Choi Dong Yi prepares
Choi Dong Yi: Here I come….
Choi Dong Yi firmly take her foot to step up on Sukjong’s back as Sukjong feels the weight as his spine start to crack under pressure
Sukjong: Dong Yi…..
If we estimate the circa of the drama now stands around 1705, Sukjong will be 46 years old while Choi Dong Yi is 35c years old, 2 middle age couple trying to scale a high fence wall is hilarious
Choi Dong Yi tells she is not high enough to cross over
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!…Higher!!!
Sukjong: You are now heavier than before
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!…Give me some height!!!….Where is your physic….
Sukjong heave Choi Dong Yi over the wall with all his might
It is 1724….The coronation of Yeongjo with his Queen….Queen Jeongseong of Dalseong Seo. Cha Cheon Soo witness Yeongjo’s coronation then as the Official asked the Royal Court to praise long live the King
Caption….Yeongjo (1694-1776). Joseon 21st King
Yeongjo visit Soryeongwon with Cha Cheon Soo. Yeongjo tells Cha Cheon Soo that last night he dream of his mother then Choi Dong Yi tells him to be sagacious in his path to his Kingship & Yeongjo tells for his mother’s sake he will strive to become what his mother has aspire him to be that King or else he will be sternly rebuke by his mother when he sees her next
Cha Cheon Soo & Yeongjo hears the rustle on the grass as he asked his men to protect Yeongjo while he goes to find out what it is. Cha Cheo Soo finds that it is a young girl who went to pick some herbs that the girls who named Dong Yi will looks for this herbs, then tells that this place is Choi Suk Bin’s Royal Tomb. The young girl aspire to be like Choi Dong Yi the Pungsan. Cha Cheon Soo thanked that she is indeed noble in her thoughts as the young girl tells that she is Cheonmin class how can she be noble. Cha Cheon Soo tells that it is because her heart is noble.
Yeongjo & Cha Cheon Soo return to the palace after his mother’s tomb visit.
The young girl at Soryeongwon’s father call out to his daughter who name is Dong Yi. The young girl Dong Yo relate to her father what Cha Cheon Soo has said to her regarding that that heart must be in noble in intention in regardless of creed or status then having a noble heart will eventually becomes a noble person. The young girl at Soryeongwon’s father concurs that there is truth in that principal just like Choi Suk Bin that Sukjong has regards her as Noble in disposition
Then Sukjong voice call out
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!
As the young girl Dong Yi turns hearing her name call
Return to the meadow as Choi Dong Yi turns around & smiles. Sukjong approaches her at the meadow as she greets Sukjong then Sukjong comes to hold her hands then embrace her as they find comfort in each other warm embrace. Sukjong takes her by her hands & continues their stroll in the meadow
It seems that the scene starts that Choi Dong Yi walking in the meadow was to indicate her passing then in the end we get the continuation of the scene where as she turns, Sukjong is behind her, calls out to her, embrace her with yearn then hold her hands to take her to stroll.
An old Chinese folklore have said that a day in heaven is equivalent of 10 years on earth, so it wouldn’t take long for Sukjong to come to the meadow, since their death was just 2 years apart