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Rabu, 15 September 2010

The 2nd 20 mins of Dong Yi Episode 52

The 2nd 20 mins of Dong Yi Episode 52

Sukjong is glad to hear from Chief Eunuch Han that Crown Prince Yun is making his way back to the palace. Chief Eunuch Han conforms that Crown Prince Yun is being escort by his security as Sukjong asked Crown Prince Yun’s well being whether he was unharmed & safe. Chief Eunuch Han gave Sukjong an affirmative that it is a relief that he is unharmed. Sukjong can breathes a sigh of relief
Se Ja Ik Wi Sa is Crown Prince private security
Crown Prince Yun return to Donggungjeon as Jang Hee Bin runs to meet her son as Crown Prince Yun greets his anxious mother as Jang Hee bin asked his son whether he is alright. Crown Prince Yun assures his frantic mother that he is fine. Jang Hee Bin steps back & asked Crown Prince Yun what is happening here, how can he do such an absconding act. Crown Prince Yun apologise that he tells Jang Hee Bin that he was feeling rather troubled that he just want to take some fresh air alone in a stroll & he didn’t realise that his action has stir to create tumult in the palace. Jang Hee Bin queries
Jang Hee Bin: You say you were alone?…. Crown Prince Yun, are you here now trying to cover up & gloss over for Prince Yeoning!!!
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni? What do you mean by saying that?…
Jang Hee Bin must be so disappointed that Crown Prince Yun is standing to side Prince Yeoning than to see Jang Hee Bin standpoint. Jang Hee Bin tells that she has learn about everything that Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning went out of the palace together, it is Prince Yeoning who coax Crown Prince Yun & bring him out from the palace. Crown Prince Yun defend that it is not like that, it was not Prince Yeoning, instead that he was the person who convince Prince Yeoning to come along. Jang Hee bin asked whether she will believe what Crown Prince Yun is saying now is true. Jang Hee Bin insists that if it not for Prince Yeoning, how could Crown Prince Yun come up with such a frightful idea to venture out of the palace. Crown Prince Yun tries to pacify as Jang Hee Bin tells that she definitely will not forgive Prince Yeoning for what he has done, the Jang Hee Bin pushes that everything is all Prince Yeoning fault that he was the person who tempt Crown Prince Yun to wander in the street of Doseong. Crown Prince Yun insists that it is not what she has said…this is not Prince Yeoning’s fault. Jang Hee Bin asked her son to come to his senses. Crown Prince Yun insists to advocate in defence of Prince Yeoning to his mother…then suddenly collapse in faint before Jang Hee Bin as Jang Hee Bin calls out to her unconscious son
Sukjong in attendance as Court Physician Nam examine Crown Prince Yun. Sukjong concern & asked for a prognosis. Court Physician Nam tells that Crown Prince Yun is alright, after some rest, he will recover. Sukjong express relief. Court Physician Nam tells that it is due to fatigue & also expose to chill weather of the night that affect his health. Court Physician Nam excused to leaves the room. Sukjong tells Crown Prince Yun not to worry. Court Physician Nam comes out to meet with the anxious Jang Hee Bin then as Jang Hee Bin asked about the prognosis from Court Physician Nam as he tells that it is a relief that Crown Prince Yun is on the road to recovery. Jang Hee Bin breathes a sigh in relief. Court Physician Nam tells that Crown Prince Yun is such a frail health to venture outside the palace, this will have drastic implication affects on Crown Prince Yun’s ailment. A female physician calls out to Court Physician Nam that the medicine tonic is ready
Jang Hee Bin orders Jo Sang Gung to summon Crown Prince Yun’s security to come & see her at once as Jo Sang Gung acknowledged
Jang Hee Bin: How dare that child did this to Crown Prince Yun, I will never forgive Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin: How dare Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Jae: Mama, you must press on the matter
Hwang Joo Shik trying to sneak Prince Yeoning to the palace as Hwang Joo Shik pretends to have a very chronic coughs to the sentry at the palace. The sentry asked who is Prince Yeoning, as Hwang Joo Shik acts more drama to his chronic cough then shield the sentry from taking a closer look at Prince Yeoning, Hwang Joo Shik tells he needs a servant for the store house, then cough his chromic into the sentry like he is having a contagious disease, then sentry quickly allow Hwang Joo Shik to enter the palace before fearing that he might be infected as well. Hwang Joo Shik Prince Yeoning to somewhere safe then he almost dies from faint then Hwang Joo Shik tells Prince Yeoning that this is all & well. Prince Yeoning thanked Hwang Joo Shik for helping him sneak back to the palace. Hwang Joo Shik goes down to his knees & beg in prayer to asked Prince Yeoning not to stir such a problem again. Prince Yeoning nods in concurs as Hwang Joo Shik that they are lucky that they aren’t been discover, but this is really a traumatic experience then asked Prince Yeoning to give him a pinky promise never to pull another one of this incident again. Prince Yeoning give his pinky promise & apologise to Hwang Joo Shik. Prince Yeoning enquire when will Crown Prince Yun return to the palace.
Then the Crown Prince Yun security asked Hwang joo Shik to halt as Hwang Joo Shik protects Prince Yeoning & asked what is going on here. Choi Dong Yi returns to her residence as Bong Sang Gung greets her
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: How is the progress…has Crown Prince Yun return safely
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama…. Crown Prince Yun was escorted by his security & has return to Donggungjeon
Choi Dong Yi: It is a relief to hear
Bong Sang Gung: Whatever it is that this matter has been resolves so quickly, it is indeed a great relief, or else Prince Yeoning would have spell trouble fro him
Choi Dong Yi: Has Prince Yeoning return?
Bong Sang Gung: Still as yet….haven’t sighted his return?
Choi Dong Yi surprise
Choi Dong Yi: What?….Prince Yeoning has yet to return…until now!!!!
Bong Sang Gung: Yes…as yet….
Choi Dong Yi: Didn’t it was said that Hwang Joo Shik did bring him back to the palace
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, this is why it is making me worry then I have asked Ae Jung & the staff to go & take a look
Choi Dong Yi: Is it?
Ae Jung comes running in & shouting for Choi Dong Yi
Ae Jung: Mama!!!!…Mama!!!…Mama!….There is trouble!!!!
Choi Dong Yi: What has happened!!!!
Ae Jung: It seems Crown Prince Yun’s security has apprehended Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: What….they have apprehended Prince Yeoning?…What are you saying there?
Ae jung doesn’t know where to begins. Choi Dong Yi demand a reply
Choi Dong Yi: Ae Jung Ah!!!!!
Jang Hee Bin goes to see Sukjong at Daejeon to his surprise
Sukjong: What are you implying, Hee Bin?….. Crown Prince Yun’s predicament was cause by Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin: Today, the person who was with Crown Prince Yun together that left the palace was Prince Yeoning….Cheon Na
Sukjong: What are you saying?
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun a person who has never gone against protocol…that Crown Prince Yun because of Prince Yeoning has absconded from the palace & end up in such a pitiful predicament…Cheon Na
Sukjong: What you are really implying is really out of line with your remarks….Hee Bin…Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning are just children…moreover it is just the children’s own fair mistakes
Jang Hee Bin: Cheon Na are you going to use this excuse to safe guard Prince Yeoning?……Are you always going to come out to advocate in defense for Prince Yeoning?
Sukjong: Hee Bin?
Jang Hee Bin: However as the Prince Successor suffer disgrace from being arrested & lock up in a cell & finally collapse from suffering from that trauma, Cheon Na….This national Prince Successor…therefore Cheon Na can’t let this incident just let this pass in passing without being reprimand….After day break, the whole nation will know that Prince Yeoning attempt to bring mortal harm to Crown Prince Yun. The Royal Court will not let this incident go in passing
Sukjong: Hee Bin?
Sukjong surprise at Jang Hee Bin’s “threat” & in some state of disbelieve that Jang Hee Bin is persisting to make this incident a political issue
Choi Dong Yi & her entourage rushes from her residence to go where Prince Yeoning is confine. The Crown Prince Yun Captain of security greets Choi Dong Yi
Captain: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard that Prince Yeoning is here…what is really happening that you need to apprehend Prince Yeoning here?
Captain: My apology, Hee Bin Mama has said that Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun went out of the palace together…Mama…but however that Crown Prince Yun’s return to the palace then collapse into unconsciousness then hearing Hee Bin Mama’s report, we need to conduct an investigation to the matter
Choi Dong Yi: This is just a accidental mistake but however how can you use this incident as a platform to conduct an investigation on Prince Yeoning
Captain: This is because that the incident has threaten the safety of Crown Prince Yun, Mama…. therefore even if it is Prince Yeoning, they have to follow proper procedures
Choi Dong Yi is at her end wits
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: I wish to see Prince Yeoning for a moment
Captain: Mama!…that…
Choi Dong Yi will not take no for an answer
Choi Dong Yi: I dare say…Captain…didn’t you just hear me….I said that I want to see prince Yeoning
Captain: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi shock her upset at the Captain
Bong Sang Gung is concern
Meanwhile Prince Yeoning sitting down under the custody of the Crown Prince Yun’s security as Choi Dong Yi enters to see her son
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi comes to her son
Choi Dong Yi Geum Ah!
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!…I heard that Crown Prince Yun has collapse into unconsciousness. Is Crown Prince Yun alright?…Is his ailment serious?….
Choi Dong Yi finds that the brothers have great concern for each other welfare as she console her son
Prince Yeoning: This is all have been my fault….Eomeoni….I wanted Crown Prince Yun to play with me, as Crown Prince Yun did mentioned that he needs to return before the time of his Seok Gang but I insist of staying behind at the street market, this is why this have happened
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: If not….then Crown Prince Yun wouldn’t have been arrest & taken to the police bureau…then he wouldn’t have taken ill…what am I suppose to do now, …Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi hugs her son to pacify Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Don’t you worry, Geum Ah… Crown Prince Yun will definitely recover…for your sake….he will definitely do so
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!
Choi Dong Yi giving assurance to her son that all will be well as she consoles him
Sukjong learns from Seo Yong Gi that it was true that Prince Yeoning was together with Prince Yeoning in his out of palace excursion. Seo Yong Gi confirms that Prince Yeoning was with Crown Prince Yun as they both went out to enjoy the festivity then under unforeseen circumstances, Crown Prince Yun was arrested & taken to the police bureau & this has been verified by the authorities. Seo Yong Gi tells what Prince Yeoning has disclose in content. It seems that they knew that they have cause a panic stir, Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning afraid that this matter might escalate into trouble therefore they conceal their identity. Sukjong tells that it is too late for that the incident has spiral to crisis. The faction that support Crown Prince Yun is pitching to use this incident as a platform to accuse Prince Yeoning of wrongdoing, they really want to use this incident to put the blame totally on Prince Yeoning’s account
Cha Cheon Soo goes to see Cha Cheon Soo at Nae Geum Bu. Han Jang Bu tells that Seo yong is just waiting & asked Cha Cheon Soo to enter quickly. Cha Cheon Soo tells that the Soron & the Namin faction Royal Court officials has gather in a meeting yesterday night. Seo Yong Gi affirms that it seem that incident has escalate into a major crisis. Shim Yun Taek said that Crown Prince Yun was arrest by the police bureau, return to the palace, only to have taken ill. The Royal Court will be seizes this opportunity to make a stir. Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is just a accidental mistake, how can they manipulate this incident & charge Prince Yeoning of wrongdoing. Cha Cheon Soo tells that because this matter has instigate Crown Prince Yun, they will bring up the argument that Prince Yeoning attempt to bring mortal harmed to Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is absurd to suggest “mortal harm”, how can they make that argument stand. Shim Yun Taek tells that the place like a palace, petty issue can create to make to lose lives, that since Crown Prince Yun is current in an ill health that the people who see Prince Yeoning as a threat will not let go of this incident so readily
In Injeongjeon as Im Sang Hyeon petition to Sukjong that he must not allow this incident to be taken lightly & be tolerated. Crown Prince Yun has gone through a traumatic experience, how can Sukjong just brush this in passing. Sukjong tells that this incident is merely an accidental mistake, how can this be seen as an offence that render penalty, & asked the Royal Court that they are out of line in making this an issue. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells that this can’t be consider as an accidental mistake, since last night, Crown Prince Yun’s safety was threaten. Im Sang Hyeon tells that he beg to defer that this is all the doing of Prince Yeoning who have lived outside the palace & doesn’t understand the Royal protocol that has allow this incident to have happened. Im Sang Hyeon tells that according to the conducted investigation by Crown Prince Yun’s security that Prince Yeoning’s doing that cause Crown Prince Yun to be arrested by the police bureau & that has lead to this traumatic experience, is because of Prince Yeoning’s folly. If it is not Prince Yeoning, how could Crown Prince Yun has done such reckless act. Sukjong reprimand Im Sang Hyeon for getting out of line on his debate, how can they be putting all the blame on the young Prince Yeoning’s account. Im Sang Hyeon argue that this incident will waver Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor & tells that faults lies in the child who is of low class background & it is clear that Prince Yeoning wish to bring mortal harm to Crown Prince Yun & that his action need to given appropriate judgement of punishment & tells Sukjong that the Royal Court will not stand down on their mindset on the issue
Crown Prince Yun learns that the Royal Court instigate to prosecute Prince Yeoning for yesterday’s incident
Crown Prince Yun: What?….The Royal Court Official
Residence Sang Gung Yoon: Yes, indeed….The Royal Court want to use this incident to make an issue to drive Prince Yeoning out of the palace
Crown Prince Yun: This incident is really my fault…how can they push all the blame on Prince Yeoning’s account?
Jang Hee Bin comes in & informs her son
Jang Hee Bin: This is because Prince Yeoning dare to attempt to bring mortal harm to you Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni?
Jang Hee Bin sits in front of her son
Crown Prince Yun: What are you saying, Eomeoni?…Prince Yeoning wish to being harm to me…Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi is shocked to learn that the Royal Court has accuse Prince Yeoning the offense of “mortal harm”. Shim Yun Taek confirms that this was propose in the Royal Court. Shim Yun Taek tells that Crown Prince Yun experience such a predicament & Prince Yeoning was at the scene. Shim Yun Taek tells that it is affirms that the Royal Court is going all out to prepare to put up this incident to wrongly accuse Prince Yeoning of wrongdoing. Choi Dong Yi can’t believe that they will prosecute Prince Yeoning
Meanwhile in Donggungjeon
Jang Hee Bin: Yes that is precisely….I have definitely said….”mortal harm”… Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni…I was the person who asked Prince Yeoning to come with me….this os no fault of Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin: No!!!….Prince Yeoning has taken Crown Prince to dangerous places & also allow Crown Prince to experience such trauma…also the person who couldn’t make Crown Prince to return on time is none other than Prince Yeoning but however how can you argue that this is not Prince Yeoning’s fault
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni?
Jang Hee Bin: Why do you think Prince Yeoning did this to you? This is because he aspire to desire to avarice your Prince Successor position…What did I have mentioned before…Prince Yeoning is not your brother but your rival…After this incident….Prince Yeoning will definitely be render expulsion from the palace therefore he will never be again a threat to Crown Prince’s position…I will definitely have this stand as it is
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni!
Jang Hee Bin: Therefore… Crown Prince Yun, before this matter is resolves that you will stay put in Donggungjeon, this is my advice to you
Jang Hee Bin about to leave when Crown Prince Yun pops up a query
Crown Prince Yun: Are you doing this because of my ailment?
Jang Hee Bin turns to her son
Crown Prince Yun: Therefore you are doing this, that you are fear that I have no choice in succeeding the throne & that you are afraid that Prince Yeoning might replace me as Prince Successor, hence this is why you falsified to accuse Prince Yeoning unjustly of wrongdoing
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying there, Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: I ….I have full knowledge on what ailment I am suffering…I know that I will be unable to produce posterity, I know that as of a fact
Jang Hee Bin shocked to learn that Crown Prince Yun know the truth about his ailment
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun?
Jang Hee Bin sat down to face her son
Jang Hee Bin: How did you come to learn about it…. Crown Prince Yun…I am asking you how did you come to know about the truth….
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni?
Jang Hee Bin: No…. Crown Prince Yun, no matter what you have learn, this is not the truth…do you understand… Crown Prince, you are just currently in frail health
Crown Prince Yun: This….this ailment is my affairs, Eomeoni, please I asked of you not to lied to me again…I earnestly beg of you….Eomeoni..don’t persist to use this incident to harm Prince Yeoning in any way
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: I can’t for the sake to safe guard my position as Prince Successor to use Prince Yeoning as sacrificial lamb, I will not render misfeasance to my younger brother & become a horrid & tyrant elder brother…this I will not do
Jang Hee Bin staggers out of Donggungjeon in pale white has to be support by Jo Sang Gung. Jang Hee Bin distraught that Crown Prince Yun has learns about his ailment. Crown Prince Yun contemplate in his residence

watched episode 51 & 52…i found it boring but i think the writers are setting the ground for more exciting events…
these 2 episodes show the brotherly love between the 2 princes, sukjong’s understanding why QI said dong yi should be the queen in order to protect both princes, that dong yi was right in trying to protect the brotherly love between the 2 princes…
its almost as if everything is falling into place and leading towards the downfall of the Jangs…
JHB is creating her own downfall by continuing to target Geum, she no longer has the backing of Jang Myeol (who if you remember was the only one who successfully orchestrated Dong yi’s departure from the palace for 6 years) & i think dong yi is winning his loyalty by refusing to sink to the Jang’s underhand measures even in desperate times…
JHB’s mom’s plan of setting fire to dong yi’s private residence is now known to Oh tak, who will no doubt spill the beans later on…
dong yi is also winning points in the Crown prince book…& the Crown prince no longer listens to his own mother’s instructions & actually doing things his way…
perhaps we might get to see the ‘infamous’ drowning scene after all? perhaps JHB is pissed that dong yi has ‘converted’ her son to her side so she ‘loses’ her own son & when she hears dong yi is pregnant again, she snaps & tries to drown dong yi????
cant wait for next week’s episodes & i think the personal maid of JHB’s mom is going to play a part in their downfall…i mean she’s suddenly having lines compared to much early on in the show when she basically doesnt say anything at all…
Has anyone else heard of a confirmation of a second extension?

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