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Rabu, 22 September 2010

dong yi prev 54

The 1st 16 mins of Dong Yi Episode 54
Choi Dong Yi goes around the premises to looks for Prince Yeoning’s whereabouts
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….Prince Yeoning….Prince Yeoning!!!
Choi Dong Yi comes across the slain Gungnyeo on the ground & shock to see their bodies, it her shock & desperation
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….Prince Yeoning….Prince Yeoning!!!
Choi Dong Yi hears Prince Yeoning calling her in the distance
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!!!….Eomeoni!!!
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….
Choi Dong Yi sprints to answer her son’s distress call
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….Prince Yeoning….Prince Yeoning!!!
Prince Yeoning can’t run any further
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!!!!
Prince Yeoning turns to the assailants who is pointing blades at him as he backs then as one of the assailant raise his blade to strike at Prince Yeoning, Prince Yeoning close his eyes & screams
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!!!
Choi Dong Yi comes to Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!….No you can’t
Choi Dong Yi rushes over to give cover to protect Prince Yeoning, as she takes the brunt of the strike blade as Cha Cheon Soo comes to provide security. Cha Cheon Soo engage with the assailant & take them on, as Choi Dong Yi gravely wounded & still holding on to Prince Yeoning, as the soldier came to assist, the assailant fled as Cha Cheon Soo turn to Choi Dong Yi & went to Choi Dong Yi’s aid as he calls out to Choi Dong Yi. Prince Yeoning calls out to Cha Cheon Soo that his mother is wounded, Cha Cheon Soo orders his men to summon the Royal physician then Choi Dong Yi in her semi consciousness asked for Prince Yeoning’s well being then collapse into unconscious.
Choi Dong Yi” Orrabuni!…..Prince Yeoning….where is Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning & Cha Cheon Soo frantically calling Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gi orders his Nae Geum Bu to locked all gate to find the assailant & not allow not a single soul to escape the palace as the assailants wouldn’t have gone far. Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu acknowledged as they deploy their soldiers to lock all gate & to find the assailant. The assailants making their escape from the palace as their leader told they mustn’t be caught by the soldiers, if they are apprehended, they will have to commit suicide. Meanwhile at the blazing Donggungjeon, Sukjong learns that Crown Prince Yun is safe at the Seo Won as he seek refuge there from the fire as Chief Eunuch Han confirms that Crown Prince Yun in now in the midst to adjourn to somewhere where is safe from the fire. Sukjong express relief to hear that Crown Prince Yun is safe. Then Do Seong Ji rushes to Donggungjeon to inform that there is an incident at Bo Gyeong Dang.
Seo Won is the library
Do Seong Ji: Cheon Na!….Cheon Na!!! You must go to Bo Gyeong Dang at once
Sukjong: What has happened?
Do Seong Ji: Now….Suk Bin Mama is critical condition & her life is at risk
Sukjong: What?….Suk Bin!!!
Do Seong Ji: Yes, Cheon Na!!!
Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi is bleeding profusely as she is fighting to stay conscious as the female physician tell Royal physician that Choi Dong Yi is losing blood as her wound wouldn’t stop bleeding. The Royal Physician orders his medical staff to bring Eclipta & Gold-Thread Rhizome medicine tonic quickly as his medical staff acknowledged
Han Ryeon Cho or Muk Han Ryeon (旱莲草 /墨旱蓮) in Chinese is Han Lian Cao or Hei Han Lian, its common name eclipta while its Latin name is Herba ecliptae prostratae. The entire plant is used as a remedy for the treatment of bleeding; it cools the blood & stops or arrest bleeding & for any bleeding due to Heat in the Vessels including hemoptysis, epistaxis, uterine bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, subcutaneous bleeding and purpura
Hwang Ryeon Duk Dang (黃連解毒湯) or in Chinese Huang Lian Jie Du Tang. It has the components of Gwanggum in Korean or Huang Jin in Chinese 黃芩 (Baiscal skullcap root), Kwangbaek Huang Bai 黃柏 (Amur cork-tree bark), Hwang Ryeon in Korean Huang lian in Chinese 黃連(Goldthread Rhizome or Figwortflower) & Chi Cha in Korean or Zhi Zi in Chinese 梔子(gardenia fruit). It clears fever in heat type of sickness, spitting blood, nose bleeding, blood in stool, blood in urine, strokes, heavy bleeding during menses, insomnia and hallucination due to high fever, itchiness of skin & expels toxins. Then being used in residue heat from heat type of diseases, various types of inflammation, anxiety,
Cha Cheon Soo concern & asked Royal Physician why Choi Dong Yi wounds doesn’t stop bleeding. Royal physician tells that the slash wound have severed one of the arteries, if Choi Dong Yi doesn’t stop bleeding then her life will be threaten. Cha Cheon Soo express concern. Sukjong comes in to find Choi Dong Yi struggling
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Sukjong rushes to her bedside
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!….Dong Yi!!!!…What is happening here?!!…What is really happening here!!!!
Choi Dong Yi fighting to keep conscious
Sukjong: Dong Yi Ah!!!
Cha Cheon Soo stagger out of Bo Gyeong Dang in anger as Shim Yun Taek approaches him then Cha Cheon Soo swore that he will not let go of those assailants. Cha Cheon Soo grips his sword tightly as he marches off
Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi is still struggling with her wounds as the Royal physician order his staff to being in more eclipta tonic, as the Royal Physician excuses himself. Sukjong goes to Choi Dong Yi bedside then holding her hand
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!….Can you hear my voice?…Dong yi!!!…Dong Yi!!
Choi Dong Yi could bring herself to mutter
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na….Cheon Na
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!….You must be steadfast to hold on…I beg of you, that you must be hold on
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na….
Choi Dong Yi struggles
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!!
Meanwhile Jang Hee Bin in Chwi Seon Dang waiting for the outcome. The assailant sneaks off to the gates only to find that the gate has be secure & locked down thus cut off their escape passage. The assailant tells that they need to find alternative routes. Palace guard storms to secure the palace. The assailants mingles with the populace who have be prevented from leaving the palace due to the lock down. The assailant acting as gang leader demands the guard to open the gates for them as the assailant rally the crowd. Cha Cheon Soo comes & shout halt then recognising the assailant tells that they will not leave the palace alive then he orders his men that this are the assailant who went to Bo Gyeong Dang to attempt assassination & asked them to be arrested, the crowd obliging parted to make way for the arrest. The assailant tells that they are not the said assailant as Cha Cheon Soo draw his sword & tells that they are wearing Mo Ma Hae shoes & arrest those who wear those shoes. The assailant fight their way through. Cha Cheon Soo has no patience left for them as he takes them down one after the other. One of the assailant tries to commit suicide by swallowing something but Cha Cheon Soo managed to stop him with the sheath of his sword then grabbing by his collar & tells the assailant that he can died just yet, before they cough up to confess who is the mastermind, they are not allow to die
Jang Hee Jae learns from his subordinates that the assailants has failed to escape & is arrested the assailant alive. Jang Hee Jae subordinates tells that they are arrested by Uigyeombu soldiers before they could make their escape. Jang Hee Jae looks resigned
Jang Hee Jae goes to Chwi Seon Dang to asked Jang Hee Bin to leave at once for a safe passage. Jang Hee bin is more interested to know whether Choi Dong Yi has died in the attempt. Jang Hee Jae tells Jang Hee Bin there is no time to discuss that matter. Jang Hee Bin still demands whether Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning is dead
Cha Cheon Soo return to Bo Gyeong Dang as Shim Yun Taek greets him & asked whether Cha Cheon Soo has arrested the assailants. Seo Yong Gi tells Shim Yun Taek that one is dead but the rest is caught alive. Cha Cheon Soo frantically asked Shim Yun Taek on Choi Dong Yi’s progress in condition
Meanwhile Bo Gyeong Dang. Choi Dong Yi looks stabilise as Royal physician reading her pulse tells Sukjong that Choi Dong Yi is now in a stable condition, that the bleeding has stop. Sukjong express relief as Royal Physician take his leave. Sukjong goes to Choi Dong Yi bedside & hold her hand. Choi Dong Yi opens her eyes
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi turns to Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na….
Sukjong: Are you alright….can you see me now…Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi can only think of Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?…..Prince Yeoning?….Where is Prince Yeoning?…Cheon Na!
Ae Jung restraining Prince Yeoning who demands to go to Bo Gyeong Dang to see his mother. Ae Jung tries to pacified that the palace is still not safe, then assures Prince Yeoning that Choi Dong Yi will be alright. Prince Yeoning tells that his mother has suffer slash wounds that it is because of him that his mother took the blade, therefore he begs Ae jung to let him go to see his mother in Bo Gyeong Dang. Sukjong comes to Prince Yeoning’s quarters. Prince Yeoning cries to Sukjong that his mother went unconscious that his mother did this for him. Sukjong console the weeping Prince Yeoning
Sukjong stagger out of Bo Gyeong Dang & hold to Choi Dong Yi blood soak Dang Ui then asked Cha Cheon Soo whether they has said that the assailant are said to be Jang Hee Jae’s subordinates. Cha Cheon Soo hesitates as Sukjong demands, in which Cha Cheon Soo gave an affirmative answer. Sukjong gripping to Choi Dong Yi’s Dang Ui. Sukjong orders Cha Cheon Soo to apprehend them & bring them before his eyes. Cha Cheon Soo bow to acknowledge & leaves. Sukjong is fuming with upset
Choi Dong Yi gingerly gets up from her bed to sit up
Bong Sang Gung: Mama, you can’t get up just yet?
Choi Dong Yi: Bring Prince Yeoning to come & see me quickly. I must personally verify & see to that Prince Yeoning is safe & unharmed with my eyes
Prince Yeoning comes in
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?…..Geum Ah
Choi Dong Yi stretch her hand to embrace her son. Prince Yeoning runs to Choi Dong Yi’s bedside
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni….are you alright now? Will you recover soon?
Choi Dong Yi assures her frighten son
Choi Dong Yi: Mother is alright
Choi Dong Yi runs through Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Are you harmed or hurt in any where?….Oh!…Ae Jung!!!
Ae Jung: Prince Yeoning is well, he was not hurt at all
Choi Dong Yi express grateful to see Prince Yeoning was unharmed in this ordeal
Choi Dong Yi: Thank you….thank you that you came out unhurt from this
Choi Dong Yi hugs her son
Choi Dong Yi; Thank you!
Jang Hee Jae trying to persuade Jang Hee bin to leave the palace to escape as he has prepare ready, her escort. Jang Hee Jae tells that if anything happens to him the least that Jang Hee Bin will be escort safely away. Jang Hee bin refuse to leave the palace. Jang Hee Jae subordinate tells that they have no time to prolong as the palace soldier will be on their way soon. Jang Hee Bin tells that Jang Hee Jae should escape, & ask Jang Hee Jae to stay alive. Jang Hee Jae is shocked.
Cha Cheon Soo & his men comes to Chwi Seon Dang & order to secure all access to the premises. Jang Hee Jae shocked that jang Hee Bin wants him to escape alone that he has to leave their mother & jang Hee Bin here. Jang Hee Bin tells that she will not be able to escape her fate, but Jang Hee Jae can, then he can go & safe guard Crown Prince Yun. Jang Hee Jae tells that the person to safe guard Crown Prince Yun has to be Jang Hee Bin herself, that the person who is able to pull this off, is Jang Hee Bin. Jang Hee Jae tells that from the start, he has anticipated that he will never leave this palace alive. Jang Hee Jae tells that he prepare the escort for Jang Hee Bin then Jang Hee Jae asked Jang Hee Bin to promise him, he will take the wraps for everything that Jang Hee Bin must come of this alive & she must witness with her eyes to Crown Prince Yun become King & asked whether Jang Hee Bin is clear
Cha Cheon Soo shouts whether the Criminal Jang Hee Jae is inside. Jang Hee Bin is shocked that the soldier has arrive to make their arrest. Jang Hee Jae is ready to accept his fate. Cha Cheon Soo enters Chwi Seon Dang
Cha Cheon Soo: Arrest the criminal Jang Hee Jae at once!!!
Soldier: Yes
Jang Hee Jae is drag away
Jang Hee Bin: Orrabuni!!!
Jang Hee Jae: Mama, you must bear in mind, what I have just said….
Jang Hee Bin: Orrabuni!!!…orrabuni!!!!
The soldiers cut off Jang Hee Bin
Jang Hee Bin: Move aside!!! I said to move aside!!!
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama, you are now forbidden to leave from Chwi Seon Dang…It will be soon that we will call on you to escort you, Mama…let us leave!!!!
Cha Cheon Soo leaves as Jang Hee Bin slumps to the floor devastated & wails in cries. Cha Cheon Soo orders his men that no one is authorise to enter Chwi Seon Dang & asked his men whether they are clear. The soldier acknowledged
Jang Hee Bin wailing alone in such pains in Chwi Seon Dang

The 2nd 15 mins of Dong Yi Episode 54
Shim Yun Taek passes the incriminating evidence in Choi Dong Yi’s possession which is the straw effigy & the wooden block inscription “Yeoheung Min Clan” & Jang Hee Jae’s dagger . Sukjong picks up the straw effigy & the wooden block inscription “Yeoheung Min Clan” as he looks at them stunned then turns to upset. Shim Yun Taek reports that the Jangs has resorted in using witchcraft to being harm to the late Queen Inhyeon that these are implication to a serious offence. Shim Yun Taek explains that Choi Dong Yi has full knowledge of the matter but for consideration on the sake of Crown Prince Yun’s interest, Choi Dong Yi went to Chwi Seon Dang to barter for a chance but however on the contrary, they return with a retaliation of the attempt to bring harm to Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning’s lives. Sukjong can’t believe this has happened
In the night, Choi dong Yi gingerly gets up then recalls the trauma from the assassination attempt & the threat to Prince Yeoning’s life
Choi Dong Yi: I will not forgive you, Mama….never again…I will no longer able to render you, Mama any more mercy
The palace is still heavy with soldiers. Hwang Joo Shik learns from Yeong Dal on the assassination attempt on Choi dong Yi’s lives by the Jangs then Hwang Joo Shik asked how is Choi Dong Yi’s condition. Yeong Dal tells that her slash wound wasn’t deep therefore it is relief that she will recover. Hwang Joo Shik upset with the Jangs then tells that the Jangs should be cook alive & shred to pieces. Hwang Joo Shik tells how can the Jangs do such atrocities to Choi Dong Yi that it goes against heaven’s will. Yeong Dal tells that they will pay for their crimes that goes for Jang Hee Jae, Mdm Yoon & all who is involved, they will wait to enter the gates of netherworld. Hwang Joo Shik tells why it is the mentioned of them, the biggest culprit is none other than Jang Hee Bin of Chwi Seon Dang. Yeong Dal asked whether Jang Hee bin will be executed for this as well. Hwang Joo Shik tells that Jang Hee Bin will indeed, as does they think that Jang Hee bin has no knowledge of this matter, Hwang Joo Shik tells that Jang Hee Jae is the Chief Instigator in these schemes as Hwang Joo Shik goes on with his prattles in his upset that Yeong Dal has to hush him up. Hwang joo Shik still rattles & get carry away in his upset
Sukjong marches to Injeongjeon as Sukjong confronts his Royal Court. Sukjong tells that last night, in the palace, happened a grave incident that can’t be cover, also the matter is seen as an act of contempt & insolence to the Royal Household & the Royal Household that no words can describe the matter then finally the intent to bring harm to the very foundation of this nation’s stability, Sukjong tells that this doesn’t render any absolution. Sukjong tells that in the past, Choi Dong Yi’s private abode was set on fire, the crime with intent to bring harm to Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning then using illegal & scrupulous method in the crime of intent to bring harm to the late Queen Inhyeon then in order to conceal off their wrong doings that can no longer be buried, decided in the crime of intent to bring death to Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning’s lives. Sukjong tells no matter who may it be, Sukjong tells that he will take all measure to bring out all perpetrators to the surface, then whoever is found to be guilty of the crimes, will not have their lives spared. Royal Court is silence
Jang Hee Bin contemplates in her Chwi Seon Dang under house arrest
Jang Hee Jae & Mdm Yoon is going through interrogation. Jang Hee Jae tells the interrogators that Jang Hee Bin has no knowledge of this matter & how many time must he need to tell them. Jang Hee Jae tells even if they shred him to pieces, he will say the same thing. Interrogator ask to continue with the torture as Jang Hee Jae screaming the loudest
Sukjong contemplates on the pain that he has to make a decision. Seo yong Gi comes to see Sukjong who orders Seo Yong Gi to bring Jang Hee Bin of Chwi Seon Dang up for questioning. Seo Yong Gi acknowledge & leaves. Crown Prince Yun with his entourage as he calls out for his mother. Jang Hee bin comes out from Chwi Seon Dang as Cha Cheon Soo order his men to escort Jang Hee Bin as Jang Hee Bin tells them to hands off & move aside, then assures Cha Cheon Soo that she will walk
Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi can now sits up but with some effort as Bong Sang Gung comes to inform Choi Dong Yi that Jang Hee Bin is now being escort to be question. Choi Dong Yi acknowledged. Jang Hee Bin boldly marches to her questioning. Jang Mu Yeol watches jang Hee bin from a distance then mutter “Mama”
Jang Hee Jae & Mdm Yoon being torture to confess by Gonjangmatgi. Seo Yong Gi asked to halt as he tells Jang Hee Jae that there is no use to persist as all is over as it is no use to cover up Jang Hee Bin’s crimes. Jang Hee Jae tells that he is not the one who is wasting the effort but it is them instead, does they think that torture will assist them to confess to pressing charges against Jang Hee Bin. Seo Yong Gi asked Jang Hee Jae tells whether he wants Jang Hee Bin to join them in the questioning as well. Jang Hee Bin is escort by Cha Cheon Soo to the questioning ground.
Jang Hee Bin is shocked to see Mdm Yoon as she call out to her daughter. Jang Hee Jae shouts how dare they apprehend Jang Hee Bin & tells that he will not forgive them, even if he dead, he will come to haunt them as ghost as he will not them go. Seo Yong Gi shout for jang Hee Jae to shut his trap & order to continue with the interrogation. Jang Hee Bin wants the torture to stop then throw her credential that she is a ‘Bin” at the Inner Court & the mother to the Crown Prince, how dare they threat her family member is such manner
Seo Yong Gi reminds Jang Hee Bin this is the questioning ground, then informs Jang Hee Bin that she has been charge offender of crimes & this is why she is brought here. Jang Hee Bin throw the word “offender”
Jang Hee Bin: Offender…yes, then the offender is I, will that do for you!!!! I have full knowledge of everything…for it is I who instructed them…it is I who found the Mudang & engage the witchcraft….to curse Queen Inhyeon…it is I…who hire arsonist to set fire on Suk Bin’s private abode is also I…then asking the robbers to infiltrated the palace to assassinate Suk Bin & Prince Yeoning’s lives is I, do you understand…wishes to killed Queen Inhyeon & also want the death of Suk Bin & Prince Yeoning, is I…
Jang Hee Jae: Mama!!
Mdm Yoon: Mama!
Jang Hee Bin: Will that do for you!!!!….therefore arrest me…release my mother & my brother
Jang Hee Jae screams that this is all his wrongdoing, the curse on Queen Inhyeon it is all his wrongdoing, as Mdm Yoon also takes the blames that it is all her wrongdoing
Jang Hee Bin: The person that you want to arrest has always been me, so release my mother & brother at once…Quickly….At Once!!!!
Sukjong shouts
Sukjong: Hee Bin!!!
Sukjong approaches Jang Hee Bin fuming with anger
Sukjong: Hee Bin!….
Jang Hee Bin: yes, Cheon Na….are these the truth that you have come to know, in order to protect my position as Queen Consort, that I wanted to killed Queen Inhyeon, in order to protect Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor, I wanted to kill Suk Bin & Prince Yeoning, will this do for you then?….is this what you have hope for you to press charges…Cheon Na!!!!
Sukjong is aghast as he staggers out of Uigyeombu. Chief Eunuch Han has to come to support Sukjong. Sukjong wobbles to stand as he digesting the truth. Jang Hee Bin slumps to the ground & wails uncontrollably

The 3rd 15 mins of Dong Yi Episode 54
Crown Prince Yun comes to Uigyeombu & demand that his access be let through to see his mother. Crown Prince Yun managed to barge his way through to see his mother. Jang Hee Bin is surprise that Crown Prince Yun came to see her. Crown Prince Yun asked his mother not to forgive him & blames that all of this is his fault, that jang Hee Bin has come to this, is all because of his faults. Jang Hee Bin tells Crown Prince Yun to leave, this is not the place for him to come. Jang Hee Bin wants to make her son understand, if he say this, he will not able to guarantee his safety. Crown Prince Yun tells he will take the wraps for the crimes as well that Jang Hee Bin has come to this because of his sake. Jang Hee bin tells her son that it is not that
Jang Hee Bin: Look at me now, Crown Prince Yun….please bear in mind, don’t waver…you must not give up…Crown Prince Yun…..The Royal Court will safeguard you therefore you must not give up. Crown Prince Yun, you must ascend the throne
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni!
Jang Hee Bin: Just remember what I have done for you in order to safe guard you therefore Crown Prince Yun you must stay alive & be steadfast & that you will survive in order to ascend the throne of this nation. You must not give up…become the Sovereign & this will appease your Mother’s grievances, will you able to promise your Mother that….Crown Prince Yun…you must….must able to do so
Jang Hee Bin consoles her crying son
Meanwhile at bo Gyeong Dang, Prince Yeoning queries Choi Dong Yi
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?….Is this really true?…Hee Bin Mama wishes to see us kill…Mother & I, is this true?….
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Choi Dong Yi doesn’t know how to put it nicely for her 7 years old son
Prince Yeoning: Why?….Why did she want to do this to us? What is it in me that she is despise me for? What did I have done so gravely wrong…is that why, Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi: No…Not at all like that…Geum Ah
Prince Yeoning: But however, the fact that she despise me, therefore she went out to kill me, is that so?…The residence staff of Donggungjeon tells that I have desire to aspire for the position of Prince Successor, this that why Hee Bin Mama did this to us…however the truth is not like that…I have never even once thought of that before, Eomeoni
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: I don’t…can’t understand & comprehend….why they need to do that? It is Eomeoni who encourage to nurture my relationship with Crown Prince Yun…why is that Hee Bin Mama would treat me is such a manner…why I….
Choi Dong Yi asked Prince Yeoning to come to her as she hugs her sobbing son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning goes back to his quarters & weeps profusely. Choi Dong Yi holding to her chest where her slash wound has been inflicted then decides.
Choi Dong Yi got dressed, although in great pain, she decided to go & see Jang Hee bin. Bong Sang Gung advice against it since she is in no health condition to do so
Choi Dong Yi: I want to see Mama, I want to hear from her
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Hee Bin, why is her reason that she want to bring mortal harm to Prince Yeoning & I…why she need to so….why is there no other alternative but to do so…I…I wish to hear that reason, Bong Sang Gung!
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi leaves Bo Gyeong Dang with her entourage
Choi Dong Yi faces Jang Hee Bin at Uigyeombu
Jang Hee Bin: This is really a surprise that you have come to look for me. Do you wish to come to see how pitiful & a sorry state that I have become?….If it is not that….perhaps you will think that I will succumb & kneel before you & to asked for absolution
Choi Dong Yi: That is precisely correct, Mama!!!…The matter that you wish to bring mortal harm to me & also to Prince Yeoning, the least I should know what is the reason behind your actions, then I should have your confession…Why did you do that?….I have mentioned that Prince Yeoning will not threaten Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor, I just hope that Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun will prosper in their sibling relationship, this is what I have said & I did it out of sincerity…but the however…why?….What are you so suspicious at, that you have to plot such a ploy?
Jang Hee Bin: Do you wish to know that answer?…..It is that I don’t trust in politics, don’t trust in the palace intrigues, don’t you understand?….What you say is not seen to be important, it is the power & the authority you wrestle, the people you associate that will use Prince Yeoning as a target to bring harm to Crown Prince Yun, finally that you will also have to resort to this measures
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Jang Hee Bin: To asked for your forgiveness…that will be impossible…what is there, there is nothing that I have done wrong to you that render that for me to asked absolution from you, is that clear?…..It is my only regret that I was able to kill you & Prince Yeoning, this is my failure
Choi Dong Yi has to sighs at the unrelenting Jang Hee Bin
Choi Dong Yi: In the end, it has come to this…it can’t be anything else…there is no hope of turning this back….During the last time you came to look for me, you mentioned about some destiny? A person who is the radiant the other is only that person’s shadow, that said destiny…No….that is not true, Mama…In this world there is no such thing as destiny, all of this was done as your hand of choice of your own doing, therefore don’t be spiteful…politics…palace intrigues…fated destiny or any other matter, please don’t use this as excuses, Mama….honestly matter may have come to such a grim, if Mama would have made your choice…also…I have finally come to realise & understands, no matter what it may be, there is no way of turning back to where it was once was
Choi Dong Yi leaves Uigyeombu after her face off with Jang Hee Bin as she turns towards Uigyeombu then Choi Dong Yi feels the pain from her injury as she holds to her chest as her face off must have taken effort of her. Bong Sang Gung express concern. Choi Dong Yi leaves. Jang Hee Bin contemplates at Uigyeombu then recalls Choi Dong Yi telling her that in this world there is no such thing as destiny, all of this was done as your hand of choice of your own doing.
Choi Dong Yi return to Bo Gyeong Dang, already feeling the strain from her confrontation of Jang Hee Bin at Uigyeombu that has starting to take its toils from her injuries that it pains & saddened her that she & Jang Hee Bin ended up this manner
Oh tae Yang asked his father Jang Hee Jae & Jang Hee bin will be done for as Oh Tae Pung tells that of course they are since this is called reprisal for their crimes. Oh Ho yang tells that if this is said there heaven’s retribution does exists. Oh Tae Pung concurs that his son must know there are requital to one’s action that they must not go out of line & live in harmony. Oh Ho yang sadden that that they will pay with their lives as Oh Tae Pung also find that he is not joyful about the matter either. Oh Ho Yang then smell something from outside & asked what is that smell. Then Oh Tae Pung give a whiff with his nose & tells that it smell like seafood & smell delicious. Oh Tae Pung goes out to see. Mdm Park having a banquet to celebrate & inviting the neighbours & friends to come & she is happy that she got rid of her old foe Mdm Yoon. Oh Ho Yang asked what with the banquet as Mdm Yoon tells they are celebrating that Mdm Yoon & Jang Hee Bin will soon report to the pearly gates therefore they need to share their joy with everyone. Oh Ho Yang is shock. Oh Tae Pung tells his wife that someone is about to die & tells that Mdm Park has gone overboard with her happiness. Mdm park tells that she will have banquet every day until their head rolls from the chopping block. When they get their head decapitated, she will like to witness it at the execution ground. Oh Tae Pung tells his son that his mother is really a frightful person. Mdm park feeding herself & find that everything is delicious thinking of Mdm Yoon’s death
Jeong Sang Gung goes to see Yoo Sang Gung as she asked Jeong Sang Gung whether the sentence to Jang Hee Bin has been decided. Jeong Sang Gung tells that Sukjong hasn’t given his judgment on the sentence yet, it seem that it is a hard decision for him to call. Shi Bi tells that the crimes should render the judgment of death. Eun Geum concurs that the offense is so serious that it should render that sentence, if looking at it in details that it is a sentence that render 10-20 deaths, will not be seen sufficient. Jeong Sang Gung remind them the proprietor of Chwi Seon Dang is the mother of Crown Prince Yun. Sukjong needs to consider that that as a fact therefore he has not made his judgment. Yoo sang Gung tells that Sukjong doesn’t want the repeat of the tragedy history of Yeonsangun, of course he need to ponder on the matter
Jung Im tells that if Crown prince Yun’s mother is sentence to death, then Crown Prince Yun will also suffer a serious emotional impact on her death. Shi Bi & Eun Geum concurs that it will be. Yoo Sang Gung tells that Crown Prince Yun didn’t return to his residence for 3 days, in his frail health, she is concern that Crown Prince Yun will fall ill. Jeong Sang Gung agrees

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