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Senin, 13 September 2010

preview dong yi 51

Was he doing this out of anger for having been misled by the Jangs regarding the Crowned Princes’ health condition?
Does he really believe in Choi Dong Yi as the one more appropriate to be the queen consort or is he just doing this to spite Jang Heebin?
Is this just another political tactic/trap and his real intentions are advantageous to JHB?
I am eager to see this side of the story.
Hmmm what measures will Dong Yi do to safeguard her son from Jang Hee Jae’s trap? And what will the King have to say about this?
As Jackie said, most of the wrongdoings are done by Jang hee Jae and their mother. I am looking forward to the death of these two (perhaps ep 52?) and only then will JHB be doing that act in her own accord. When JHB visited Queen Inhyeon while the latter was still in coma, that scene showed that she is very much capable to do whatever it takes to safeguard her position and her son’s position even to the point of killing someone.
As for the famous drowning scene, I also wish to see that one. My guess is that it might be shown but it will done in a different approach. What I understand about the shamanistic practice was that it was King Sukjong himself who witnessed JHB, JHJ and the shaman shooting arrows in an effigy of the queen. But in here, it was JHJ and his mother who were seen doing that. With the impending death of JHJ, JHB will be th only Jang alive to concoct a plan and make it happen. I have no idea how this will happen and whether DY will be pregnant during when that happens, but I hope they will stick to what was written that it was Sukjong, himself who’d save her and he will bring her and also Prince Yeoning (even if in the original story it was the time when she was carrying Prince Yeoning in her womb) in his chambers to safeguard them even if its just for a night or two.

Dong Yi Episode 51 preview
Kim Gu Seon & Prince Yeoning is confront by Royal Tutor for the Crown Prince
Crown Prince Tutor: Why is this Ilgi (Donggungilgi is the Crown Prince journal/diary) exclusively for this nation’s Prince Successor, why is this book here?
Kim Gu Seon laughs
Kim Gu Seon: So it seem…is that why you are all here….
Shin Yun Taek with Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo
Shim Yun Taek: Because to find the female physician, they have resort to such undermining tactics ….
Prince Yeoning cries at the steps
Prince Yeoning: I really have no knowledge why that said book is among my books….this is the truth
Prince Yeoning cries to Choi Dong Yi over the ilgi as Choi Dong Yi looks concern feels for her son
Sukjong announcing to his Royal Court & holding his Royal decree to inform them about Choi Dong Yi to the rank of Jong 1st rank “Bin” that shocked the Royal Court
Sukjong: I decree with issuance of receipt from Nae Myeong Bu that Suk Ui of Choi Clan to be given the rank of Jong Il Bun “Bin”
Crown Prince Yun incognito being drag away, prince Yeoning tries to give chase but loses their track, Crown Prince Yun appear with dirt on his face
Sukjong: What are you saying that Crown Prince Yun is missing?
Jang Hee Bin looks anxious in her residence
Choi Dong Yi sees Jang Mu Yeol in her residence
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that my political perspective & outlooks defer from yours, Byeong Cheon Cham Ban (3rd rank Official Minister of Military)
Jang Mu Yeol disappointed in betting on the wrong house
Choi Dong Yi with Jang Hee Bin
Jang Hee Bin: What will be our final conflict be in regards….this doesn’t really arouse your curiousity?

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