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Senin, 13 September 2010


Historical facts
 Sukjong (1661-1720-60 years)
 Queeen Inwon (1687-1757-71 years)
Yeongjo (1694-1776-83 years)
1702, Queen Inwon enter the palace as Queen Consort, she was only 15 years old. It is said that Queen Inwon has married an “Uncle”. Sukjong was already 42 years old then when she enter the palace. I don’t think it was much of a marriage, she was more an icon to be place in that position for political reason
1711, Queen Inwon suffer smallpox but survived. I will think that this will be the ultimate point where Queen Inwon changes her sides from being Soron puppet & rendering her favour to side Choi Suk Bin & Yeongjo. Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning scout the outskirt of the palace for herbs in folk remedies for her smallpox & miraculous saves her
When Sukjong passed away in 1720, Queen Inwon was only 33 years old, moreover Yeongjo was 28 years old & the differences in their ages were just 7 years apart. But then it can be said that Gyeongjong’s age (1688-1724) was even nearer than Queen Inwon where she was a year older. However Gyeongjong was in ill health, even if Queen Inwon was to bet her stakes on Gyeongjong, she may find that her investment lies in better prospect in Yeongjo in comparison to Gyeongjong, Yeongjo posses intelligence & robust intellect
Queen Inwon’s politics
To everyone’s knowledge, Gyeongjong ends up childless, although Yeongjo was Sukjong’s son, but one can’t deny that Yeongjo’s mother Choi Sukbin is from Cheonmin class, it will be seen that he will experience great difficulties if he ascend the throne, but Yeongjo has a powerbase support of Queen Inwon. In this time, Sukjong only have 2 surviving posterity which is Gyeongjong & Yeongjo….If Yeongjo doesn’t succeed the throne, then to go & scout for a heir apparent in the extended Royal Household, the move may threaten Queen Inhyeon’s own position as Queen Consort. Therefore, Queen Inwon consider politically that she must support Yeongjo for her own political foundation
Firstly, Queen Inwon is childless, maybe the bout of smallpox she suffered in 1711, may have some health backlash & made her sterile therefore she dotes on her “default” son Yeongjo & was said to be motherly to him like a birth mother. As mother & son, in our perspective we may find their relationship odd. Yeongjo pays regular visit to her residence to ask & wish her on her well being in regardless
During the reign of Gyeongjong, the Soron faction strongly oppose Yeongjo as the Prince Successor. In 1721, Yeongjo life was threaten by Soron assailant, he fled to Queen Inwon’s bedchamber in her residence to seek refuge in the darkness of the night. Queen Inwon gave sanctuary to Yeongjo & he was saved,
Although once seen inappropriate that Yeongjo ran into Queen Inwon’s bedchambers to hide in such a strict Confucian code of Joseon Dynasty but it was Yeongjo thought that he may not escape from his perils, wishes to see Queen Inwon for one last time. It is said that Yeongjo hide underneath Queen Inwon’s skirt. What a great deed that Queen Inwon’s virtue faithfulness, chastity, and fidelity to have sacrifice her virtues & chaste even to extent of shame. Queen Inwon has a man hiding underneath her skirt (chima) but then it may seen at that crucial moment, it was the only option that was available
After the incident, Yeongjo was extreme filial to Queen Inwon. After he ascended the throne, he will pay his respect & greetings every day to Queen Inwon without fail in regardless to what weather. At every holidays; especially at her birthdays, Yeongjo will hold banquet to celebrate her birthdays, he will compose poetry to commemorate her birthdays to praise her virtuous character
Both Yeongjo & Queen Inwon lived to a ripe old age

Dong Yi Text preview Episode 52
I will never forgive Prince Yeoning

In the midst in looking for Crown Prince Yun, Jang Hee Bin & Jang Hee Jae, seeing that because this time round, they can’t cover up with reason of excuses that the Crown Prince Yun didn’t observe to the rules of palace security & sneak out of the palace then decided to openly launch misfeasance towards Prince Yeoning by accusing him of usurpation against Crown Prince Yun

In order to rescue Crown Prince Yun, Prince Yeoning seek the help of Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik of the Music Bureau…while the capture Crown Prince Yun who was confine in Bu Cheon (name of a place), using his wits, managed to return to the palace safely

Jang Hee Bin confront the return Crown Prince Yun, then she accuses Prince Yeoning that he scheme a stratagem against Crown Prince Yun that Prince Yeoning lures Crown Prince Yun outside the palace on the pretext for Crown Prince Yun to get abducted. When Jang Hee Bin wanted to use this incident to springboard to threaten assault on Prince Yeoning, Crown Prince Yun owe up that the incident was all his fault & not Prince Yeoning’s fault. Jang Hee Bin seeing that her son the Crown Prince Yun has been covert by them in taking up Prince Yeoning’s defense, tells that she will never forgive Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin looks like she is on the brink of having a stroke cum heart attack with all her arteries busting when her son decide to disobey her & sided the “Enemy” or the “Good side of the Force” wholeheartedly
The last minute of Dong Yi 51 & Preview of Dong Yi 52
Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi goes out to look for Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun. Cho Dong Yi frantically search calling out for her son
Choi Dong Yi; Geum Ah…Geum Ah!!!
Then she asked a nearby store keeper
Choi Dong Yi: Excuse me….did you by chance see a child that is aged 13 & a child aged 7
Storekeeper: No, haven’t seen them
Choi Dong Yi decided to look the surrounding area then find an embroidery purse
Crown Prince Yun is brought from the lock up & brought to see before the Officer
Crown Prince Yun: Let go of me….you wretches…..
Soldier: Shut up!!!….& come with me….
Crown Prince Yun: Let go of me…Let go of me!!!!
Officer: Is this the brat!!!!
Soldier: Yes
Officer takes a closer look at Crown Prince Yun
Choi Dong Yi knows that the found embroidery purse is Prince Yeoning, most probable sewn by her for her son, holding the embroidery purse
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!…Geum Ah!!!
Cha Cheon Soo comes to Choi Dong Yi
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama…this is
Choi Dong Yi: This belongs to Prince Yeoning…This prove that Geum Yi did definitely been here…where could Geum Yi & Crown Prince Yun has gone to
Cho Dong Yi on the brink of panic stricken with anxiety over the missing whereabouts of her son & Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo looks around
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!…Geum Ah!!!
As she turns….
Chuseok celebration with lantern where Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning enjoys the festivity
Sukjong speaks with Seo Yong Gi
Sukjong: What you say that the matter is indeed truth?
Seo Yong Gi: Gun Mama (Prince Yeoning) & Crown Prince together went to the street market then Crown Prince was arrested by the police bureau, this matter have all been verified
Choi Dong Yi meets & found her son Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: Is Crown Prince Yun alright…is his health condition really serious?
Court Physician Nam attending to the ill Crown Prince as Sukjong looks on. Crown Prince Yun look rather discomfort
Jang Hee Bin: How dare that child threaten Crown Prince Yun’s safety, I will never forgive Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi is seen running with her entourage
Oh Tae Pung draws the cover of Oh Ho Yang is still traumatise
Oh Tae Pung: I have found it, look how I am going to settle this matter for you
Sukjong with Prince Yeoning in Daejeon
Sukjong: What do you wish to say to me then?
Crown Prince Yun hesitates
Sukjong: What?
Sukjong with Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning: It was all my fault, Ah Ba Mama
Sukjong: This is really odd….
Prince Yeoning surprised
Prince Yeoning: What?
Jang Hee Bin leaves Crown Prince Yun’s room as Crown Prince asked his mother
Crown Prince Yun: Is this because of my suffering ailment?
Jang Hee Bin turns around. Crown Prince is agonise that he know the truth about his ailment
Jang Hee Bin with Sukjong at Daejeon
Sukjong: You are really out of line with your remarks….Hee Bin…Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning are just children…moreover it is just the children’s own mistakes
Sukjong will not side Jang Hee Bin
Jang Hee Bin leaves & stagger in her steps as Jo Sang Gung has to support her. She look like on the brink of having a stroke
Jang Hee Bin with Jang Hee Jae at her residence
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun already know everything about the truth, Orrabuni
Jang Hee Jae: What?
Crown Prince Yun ponders on his mother words
Jang Hee Bin: Prince Yeoning is not your brother, he is your rival
Crown Prince Yun goes to see Choi Dong Yi at her residence in which she is surprise of his visit
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun?

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