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Selasa, 21 September 2010

the final 27 mins of Dong Yi Episode 53

the final 27 mins of Dong Yi Episode 51
Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im goes to Bo Gyeong Dang to see Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi obviously shocked that the arson to her private abode was Mdm Yoon’s doing
Jeong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: The person who wants to see the death of Prince Yeoning & I is none other than Hee bin Mama’s mother, this was all her wrongdoing
Jung Im: This matter is now facts, Mama, there is no other way that they can escape prosecution or received absolution from their crimes
Seo Yong Gi reports to Sukjong in regards to Choi Dong Yi’s private abode arson that the police bureau have already solid & substantial evidence to charge Mdm Yoon with the crimes, what is left is to investigate who else are the involved accomplice. Sukjong is taken aback & tells that the person who wants the death of Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning is Crown Prince Yun’s maternal grandmother then asked if Crown Prince Yun has learns of this matter
Crown Prince Yun sobs in Donggungjeon, obviously he has learns about Mdm Yoon’s fate & wrongdoing. Sukjong comes to Donggungjeon to find Crown Prince Yun weeping. Sukjong goes to console Crown Prince Yun as he tells Sukjong that all this was done for his interest, that his mother & maternal grandmother has done this grave crimes all because of his interest. Sukjong assures Crown Prince Yun that this is not his fault. Crown Prince Yun tells Sukjong how suppose this crimes be able to resolves, as Crown Prince Yun asked his father how would be able to acquit away these crimes. Sukjong embrace his son to console him
Choi Dong Yi is outside Donggungjeon then she looks towards heavens. Jang Hee Jae rally support fro Chua Sang Dae Gam & tells them that this is all misfeasance stratagem from Bo Gyeong Dang to wish to usurp Crown Prince Yun & Jang Hee Bin. Chua Sang Dae Gam sighs. Jang Hee Jae tells that if this continues, Jang Hee Bin will not have a peace of mind therefore he asked the Namin faction to provide steadfast support Jang Hee Bin. Cha Sang Dae Gam tells that the Soron faction have pull out their political support then the Namin faction will their numbers can’t able to raise any vocal of protest. Jang Hee Jae tells therefore they wish to have their lives spare & now wishes to betray Jang Hee Bin that has provide them with patronage. Then the Junior official asked how can that be refer as betray, all this problem were created initially brought about by Mdm Yoon & Jang Hee Bin themselves. Jang Hee Jae attacks the junior official for speaking in disregard for his mother & sister. Jang Hee Jae asked who did he depend on to have his present designation that he can speak such nonsense then Jang Hee Jae draw the sword & place the blade on the junior official’s neck. Jang Hee Jae asked them to made their choice whether tonight he will died by his sword or else render their utmost effort to support Jang Hee Bin. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells that Jang Hee Jae is mad as Jang Hee Jae admit that he is indeed mad. Jang Hee Jae threaten that if they don’t wish to listen to a mad jang Hee Jae talking threats then they better think of something that will save Jang Hee Bin politically. Jang Hee Jae subordinates tries to succumb Jang Hee Jae from acting reckless. Jang Hee Jae being restraint by his subordinates accusing the Namin faction for showing their gratitude for Jang Hee Bin is such insolence manner
Jang Hee Nom decided to go out of the palace as Jo Sang Gung advice her against it as everyone is accusing that this is Chwi Seon Dang wrongdoing & if Jang Hee Bin is caught leaving the palace in the lateness of the night, it will perils. Jang Hee bin tells that there is no alternative for her to take. Jang Hee Bin must convince the Soron faction to change their mindset, if without their political support, it will be hard for Jang Hee Bin to escape from her troubles. Jo Sang Gung can’t convince the determine Jang Hee Bin. Jang Hee Bin wearing the jangot walks through the street of Doseong. Soron faction is surprise that jang Hee Bin has personally come to Im Sang Hyeon residence to see him. The Soron official asked what Im sang Hyeon suppose to do about Jang Hee Bin. Im Sang Hyeon give some thought.
Jang Hee Bin is made to wait outside. Yeong Sun asked how insolence the Soron faction are that they force Jang Hee Bin to wait outside in the open for them. Jang Hee bin tells that there is no room for courtesy, they are here for their support, if they want her heart as collateral, jang Hee Bin is willing to give them. The valet comes out as Jo Sang Gung asked why is the valet is coming out alone, where is Im Sang Hyeon. The valet convey to Jang Hee Bin that he apologise but Im Sang Hyeon has retire to bed. Jang Hee Bin taken aback as she tells that valet that she is here on urgent matters then she needs to meet with Im Sang Hyeon & asked the valet to convey to Im Sang Hyeon again. The valet apologise that Im sang Hyeon has instructed that it is already late in the hour & the day is over that he doesn’t wish to have visitors. Jang Hee Bin has her Soron faction political support revoke under her feet. Jang Hee bin leaves Im Sang Hyeon’s residence as she asked how dare Im Sang Hyeon threat her in this manner, how dare he drives her away as Jang Hee Bin has to digest the painful truth
Do Seong Ji carrying Sukjong decree as Jeong sang Gung informs that Sukjong has decree his given permission for Uigyeombu to prosecute Mdm Yoon. Jeong Sang Gung tells that they need to investigate the others who are in league in involvement with Mdm Yoon as accomplice as Yoo sang Gung asked who do they indicate as accomplice. Jung Im tells they will first start with Chwi Seon Dang residence staff
Yoo Sang Gung comes to Chwi Seon Dang & asked that all Gungnyeo be apprehended to Internal Bureau of Investigation, as they are lead away screaming. Cha Cheon Soo asked his men to take the prisoner from the prison. Mdm Yoon is drag out of her cell screaming insults. Jang Hee Jae slumps to her seat as she looks so resigned. Jang Hee Jae tries his best to console Jang Hee Bin & tells Jang Hee Bin that she must be steadfast, no matter what happened, Jang Hee Bin must survive this ordeal. Jang Hee Bin tells what is the use of surviving as crown prince Yun’s future is now in ruins, their mother is now being arrested & in prison, what reason is left for her to survive in this world. Jang Hee Jae tells to pay them back, what has happened today & all their grievances that she needs to survive to reimburse back to them.
Jang Hee Bin question about grievances then realise that this is indeed. Jang Hee Bin tells that she has grievance score to settle then jang Hee Bin tells she will not be the only person who have everything taken away from her. If she to come to this, the Choi Dong Yi must also suffer the same consequences. If Crown Prince Yun is been depose then Choi Dong Yi’s son will also be definitely be dispose. Jang Hee jae leaves Chwi Seon Dang & asked his men to leave as he marches off
Choi dong Yi comes out of her residence & asked Bong Sang Gung whether the investigation has commence. Bong Sang Gung confirms that it has. Cha Cheon Soo tighten Bo Gyeong Dang security, as Choi Dong Yi calls out to Cha Cheon Soo as greets Choi Dong Yi
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: What is the meaning of this, why is there soldier presence in Bo Gyeong Dang?
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi learns from Cha Cheon Soo that Prince Yeoning might be at risk
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning might be at risk of danger
Cha Cheon Soo: Chwi Seon Dang is not force into a tight corner with no escape route to turn to therefore there is no way, if they might resort to something drastic
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni?
Choi Dong Yi shocked at Cha Cheon Soo’s risk calculation. Meanwhile Jang Hee bin at Chwi Seon Dang contemplating as Jang Hee bin tells that her mother that she will not allow her mother to died from grievances in her heart. Jang Hee Bin will allow her mother to see the death of Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning before her mother does
Jang Hee Jae’s subordinate take an urn of oil from Deng Chu Bang& tells that the lantern oil is the most powerful oil around. As they say they must hurry. Han jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu is observing Jang Hee Jae’s movement as his subordinate reports that they are already prepared & is ready to take action as jang Hee Jae asked how is the progress. Jang Hee Jae asked his subordinate to com with him. Hwang Jung Gu tells that there is some oddity to Jang Hee Jae’s movement tonight
Deng Chu Bang is a storehouse that keeps lantern oil & fuels
Seo yong Gi learns from Hwang Jung Gu that jang Hee Jae subordinates was acting suspiciously & pacing at Deng Chu Bang then Han Jang Bu tells that their movements has been rather cautiously tonight. Hwang Jung Gu tell that it is really odd that they are still roaming around the palace in such lateness of the night that they are definitely up to something amiss. Seo yong Gi wonders what is Jang Hee Jae conjuring up this time
Cha Cheon Soo tells that it must be in relate to Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning, as he is out to harm them. Cha Cheon Soo tells he will go to Bo Gyeong Dang to have a look. Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo comes to Bo Gyeong Dang & sees a shadow pass as Cha Cheon Soo prepare to draw his sword then Cha Cheon Soo points his blade at the person & who he is as the Eunuch tells that he was just here on duty then asked what is the matter. Choi Dong Yi comes out
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!….Yeong Gam?
Choi Dong Yi surprise to see Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo so late in the night
Seo Yong Gi: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: What is the matter?
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi learns about Jang Hee Jae
Choi Dong Yi: Jang Hee Jae Yeong Gam wishes to bring harm to me & Prince Yeoning
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes, Mama….they are definitely close by in the vicinity
Choi Dong Yi: But however, Sukjong is residing at the palace, will they do such a reckless act?
Seo Yong Gi: They are not force into a tight corner with no way of escaping, as for them, they can resort to any drastic means
Cha Cheon Soo: This is for the what if…it is better that you move to a place where tight security can be provided a little more efficient.
Seo Yong Gi: Please do so, Mama
Choi Dong Yi sighs then asked Ae Jung
Ae Jung: Yes
Choi Dong Yi; Geum Yi?….Bring Geum Yi here quickly
Ae Jung acknowledged & leaves to fetch Prince Yeoning
Ae Jung: yes, Mama
Choi Dong Yi takes Prince Yeoning by her hand
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?….Where do we have to go so suddenly?
Choi Dong Yi: We need to go to another residence for the time being
Prince Yeoning: Why, Eomeoni?….Is some crisis has happened in the palace?
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah! Adhere & listen to what Mother has to say to you….today…you must leave a single step away from Eomeoni’s side, is that clear!!!
Prince Yeoning: What?…..yes Eomeoni
Choi Dong Yi: No matter what happens, you must stay by Eomeoni’s side, do you understand!
Prince Yeoning: I understand, Eomeoni!
Choi Dong Yi: Let’s go
Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo escort Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning when shouts that the palace is on fire. Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning could see the blaze from the night sky then Choi Dong Yi tells that it is from the direction of Donggungjeon. Prince Yeoning expresses concern for Crown Prince Yun’s safety. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im witness the blaze as Jung Im tells that the fire from Donggungjeon thent he palace fire brigade come to put out the fire
Donggungjeon residence Sang Gung Yoon comes out from the smoke filled Donggungjeon then asked her residence staff where is Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts. The Eunuch tells they still doesn’t know his whereabout as yet. Donggungjeon residence Sang Gung Yoon tells that if this is so, then it means that Crown prince Yun hasn’t make it out of the residence. Donggungjeon residence Sang Gung Yoon shouts at her residence staff to look for Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts
Sukjong learns that Donggungjeon is on fire. Chief Eunuch Han confirms as Sukjong asked on Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts. Chief Eunuch Han apologise & informs that they still don’t know Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts is, therefore the palace guard has been deployed. Sukjong is shocked
Jang Hee bin waits in her residence for results. Meanwhile Shim Yun Taek arrives to Bo Gyeong Dang as Choi Dong Yi asked how is the fire. Shim Yun Taek tells that the blaze is too huge than anticipated, although they starting to put out the fire but it seems that it is a hard task. Prince Yeoning out of concern for Crown Prince Yun asked Shim Yun Taek whether Crown Prince Yun has be move to a safe area. Shim Yun Taek hesitates as Choi Dong Yi insists as Shim Yun Taek tells that Crown Prince Yun whereabouts is still unknown. Choi Dong Yi asked whether Crown Prince Yun was unable to escape from the fire. Shim Yun Taek tells that the palace guard has been deployed but there is no sight of Crown Prince Yun.
Prince Yeoning starts to worry as Choi Dong Yi pacifies her son’s anxiety. The palace fire brigade fight the futile fire then Cha Cheon Soo comes to Donggungjeon then asked about Crown Prince Yun as Han Jang Bu tells that the palace guard has been deployed to look for him. Then the bell toil as Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is the Cham Jung bell that toil as Hwang Jung Gu tells that insufficient hands to put out the fire, therefore they need to engage the citizen’s help. The Bell toils
Cheob Jung bell is a bell that toils to assemble of available hands. It will be usually the Bosingak which is a large pavilion in Jongno. Under the Joseon Dynasty the bell was rung to announce the time, several times a day and to signal the opening and closing of the city gates as well it was used as a fire alarm. In modern times, the bell is rung only at midnight on New year’s eve due to because of the massive number of people who attend this ceremony
The citizen gather at the palace gate to help put of the fire. Seo yong Gi order the citizen to come into the palace to put out the inferno blaze at once as the citizen enters. Jang Hee Jae & his men observe & order his men to take action. Jang Hee Jae brief Jang Hee Bin that Bo Gyeong Dang will have tight security, not to mentioned Bo Gyeong Dang to enter the palace premises will be difficult, but however what are they suppose do about the matter. Jang Hee bin gives the idea to use fire, as Jang Hee bin affirms that if the palace is on fire then Cheob Jung bell will be rung in order to put out the fire therefore common folk can enter the palace. Jang Hee bin tells Jang Hee Jae that once jang Hee Jae set fire to the palace, then the palace gate will open, if that happened that they will be many people entering the palace then at the moment during the commotion they can disguise that Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning’s death by making look like the robbers has infiltrated their residence to plunder then kills them in the attempt & asked whether Jang Hee Jae understands
The citizen comes in with their fore saving apparatus as jang Hee Jae hired assailants sneaks in, with a cart in disguise. Meanwhile Prince Yeoning asked Choi dong Yi about Crown Prince Yun’s well being then seek assurance that Crown prince Yun is safe. Choi Dong Yi concern, asked Cha Cheon Soo to go to Donggungjeon to see if he can find Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts as Crown Prince Yun must not be unharmed therefore Cha Cheon Soo must find Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo is concern in leaving Choi Dong Yi unattended, as Choi Dong Yi assures him that she & prince Yeoning will be fine & asked him to take his soldier with him & hurry. Prince Yeoning pleas with Cha Cheon Soo to find Crown Prince Yun at all cost. Cha Cheon Soo understands as he leaves for Donggungjeon, he assures Prince Yeoning not to worry, Crown prince Yun will be alright. Cha Cheon Soo leaves basic sentry behind then asked the rest to follow him to Donggungjeon
Choi Dong Yi expresses concern as she looks at her worried son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Sukjong frantically rushes to Donggungjeon to see the place ablaze as it engulf in smoke & fire
Eunuch: Cheon Na
Sukjong shouts for his son
Sukjong Crown Prince Yun….Crown Prince Yun
Chief Eunuch Han tries to restraint Sukjong from going into the blazing residence
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na….no you can’t….you must not go in
Sukjong doesn’t take heed as Sukjong enter Donggungjeon as the whole entourage goes in with him
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na!!!
The make shift fire brigade comes into the palace to put out the fire
Jang Hee Jae’s hired assailant disguise as one of the crowd sneaks off to Bo Gyeong Dang as they passes Cha Cheon Soo which at a glance notice their shoes as Cha Cheon Soo stops to ponder. Cha Cheon Soo subordinate asked what is the matter then tells that the men were wearing Mo Ma Hae. Cha Cheon Soo subordinate is surprise that if they are wearing Mo Ma Hae then it is commonly wear by robbers or thieves who wants conceal their foot prints
Mo Ma Hae are shoes that doesn’t leave shoes marks on the ground
Do Ah is robber or thief
Cha Cheon Soo takes a 2nd glance & they were gone
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Prince Yeoning is concern as he sees Donggungjeon is a distance blazing away
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim, it will be great that he is save
Ae Jung comes
Ae Jung: Mama!….Mama!!!!
Ae Jung approaches Prince Yeoning
Ae Jung: We are ready, we need to quickly move to another residence for safety
Prince Yeoning: Ae Jung!….I am fine here, why don’t you firstly go to Donggungjeon to get some news on the situation there
Ae Jung: But however…..
Prince Yeoning: Please I asked of you, I want to know whether the fore has been put out & whether Crown Prince Yun is safe, once you find out then we will move off then, can’t we do that
Ae Jung: Yes, Mama
Ae Jung goes to get news on Donggungjeon. Prince Yeoning ponders & call out to Crown Prince Yun
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim?…Sigh!
Ae Jung leaves Donggungjeon as the assailant sneaks into Bo Gyeong Dang to target Prince Yeoning. Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi goes to get Prince Yeoning from his quarters then asked the guard to stay & secure the place
Choi Dong Yi: You all will stay here & secure the place
Guards: Yes, Mama
Choi Dong Yi & her entourage goes to get Prince Yeoning. The assailant comes to cut down Prince Yeoning’s 2 Gungnyeo who in attendance. Prince Yeoning hearing the noises turns around
Prince Yeoning: Oh! Is that you Ae Jung?
Prince Yeoning takes a closer look only to find assailants pointing blade at him, to his surprise
Prince Yeoning: Who are you people over there?
Prince Yeoning runs off as the assailants give chase. Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi comes to Prince Yeoning’s quarters & call out to her son
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning?….Prince Yeoning!!!
Choi Dong Yi doesn’t hear any reply
Choi Dong Yi: Ae Jung Ah!!!!
Choi Dong Yi turns to Bong Sang Gung
Choi Dong Yi: What is happening here?
Bong Sang Gung: Wouldn’t they have already proceeded to move to another residence?
Choi Dong Yi: Why don’t you go over there & take a look?
Bong Sang Gung acknowledged & leaves. Choi Dong Yi goes around the premises to looks for Prince Yeoning’s whereabouts
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….Prince Yeoning….Prince Yeoning!!!
Choi Dong Yi comes across the slain Gungnyeo on the ground & shock to see their bodies, it her shock & desperation
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….Prince Yeoning….Prince Yeoning!!!
Choi Dong Yi hears Prince Yeoning calling her in the distance
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!!!….Eomeoni!!!
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….
Choi Dong Yi sprints to answer her son’s distress call
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning!!!….Prince Yeoning….Prince Yeoning!!!
Prince Yeoning can’t run any further
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!!!!
Prince Yeoning turns to the assailants who is pointing blades at him as he backs then as one of the assailant raise his blade to strike at Prince Yeoning, Prince Yeoning close his eyes & screams
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!!!
Choi Dong Yi comes to Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!….No you can’t
Choi Dong Yi rushes over to give cover to protect Prince Yeoning, as she takes the brunt of the strike blade
Sukjong staggers to Bo Gyeong Dong to see the Royal Physician trying to save Choi Dong Yi’s life….
Royal Physician: Now…Suk Bin Mama is in critical condition
Sukjong rushes to Choi Dong Yi’s bedside as Choi Dong Yi fighting to stay conscious
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!
Sukjong is shocked to see Choi Dong Yi seriously injure
Sukjong holds the Choi Dong Yi’s blood stained Dang Ui in fuming upset
Sukjong: Cha Cheon Soo….Find out at once who is the assailants & bring them before my presence
Cha Cheon Soo holding his sword tightly as he marches forwards
Soldier deployed
Seo Yong Gi: Deploy all troops, & apprehend every single one of them & not to allow even a single person escape
Soldiers: Yes
Palace soldiers deploys at the palace as the assailant tries to escape
Cha Cheon Soo managed to succumbed the assailant & apprehended them alive
Cha Cheon Soo: Before the truth is press out from you…I will not let you all died before you make your confession
Jang Hee Jae: How many times must I repeat myself that…Mama has no knowledge of this
Jang Hee Jae being arrest & drag away right before Jang Hee Bin’s eyes at Chwi Seon Dang
Jo Sang Gung & Yeong Sun being drag away by Internal Bureau of Investigation
Jang Hee Bin: I have full knowledge & aware of all of this…. It is all my doing & is done under my instructions!!!…it is I who bring harm to the late Queen Myeongseong then it is I who bring harm to Queen is also I who instigate the arson on Suk Bin’s private abode
Mdm Yoon is in tears & weary from interrogation. Jang Hee Jae screams under torture
Sukjong: Hee Bin!!!
Jang Hee Bin turns to see a very angry Sukjong with his entourage
Crown Prince Yun kneels to asked Sukjong to render forgiveness to his mother
Crown Prince Yun: Oh Ba Mama, please render absolution to my mother
Prince Yeoning sobbing as Kim Gu Seon hold Prince Yeoning’s hand
Choi Dong Yi: I have said before that this was my sincere wish to preserve the siblings relationship between Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning…but now, I have finally come to realise, now that everything can’t no longer able to be redeem to return to where it was before
Prince Yeoning goes to his room to sob to weep
Crown Prince Yun sobs in Jang Hee Bin’s embrace
Choi Dong Yi consoles her uncontrollable son

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